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Re: Dk_madness Gaming Goals
« Reply #30 on: April 22, 2016, 05:49:40 am »
It's been a while since my last post. A lot going on right now but slowing getting back into the groove.

So I've been on a shopping spree lately trying to pick up a few boards that I like. Found some success so far with Road Fighter. Still looking for a Time Pilot and a Scramble board. They seem to pop up more frequently so no problem there. Pepper 2 is still going to be a problem though. Good news is that I'll be able to pick up a DK here in the next couple months which means I'll also have to get into the Remx hype!! Can't wait for that. So that's the update on stuff I want and plan on getting hopefully sometime soon.

Been playing a lot of my favorites lately. I finally beat the Road Fighter arcade WR by almost 300k. Had such a great run with amazing RNG. I'll be continuing to push this even higher shooting for 2 million+. Mr. Jammyyyy is helping me out on the Intrepid front by building me a new adaptor for my other Intrepid board. When that is complete I will be going full force to crush that record as well.

So lots of stuff to get done this year and it will be a challenge with the new expanded family. I would love to squeeze in another Kicker marathon in this year. Guess I'll just have to wait and see 😀

intel next time cobbas.....
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Re: Dk_madness Gaming Goals
« Reply #31 on: April 22, 2016, 09:09:13 am »
yes yes! get themmmm

jammyyy <3
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Re: Dk_madness Gaming Goals
« Reply #32 on: January 02, 2017, 09:49:39 am »

Looks like it's been a few since I last posted here. A lot of additions to my pcb collection. Ended up adding Mercs, Contra, Silk Worm, Super Rider, Pac-Man, Rally-X, Strikers 1945, Jail Break, and Bosconian!!! I've been putting my Scramble cab to good use lol.

I've been spending a lot of time learning how to do general repairs for pcbs. Slowly building up tooling and supplies to keep on hand for common issues. Also I have gotten pretty good at building my own adapters now since I have only one machine to test on. I am on the lookout for a cab with a horizontal monitor. I was looking at using the JROK rotating monitor setup but decided to not screw with the cab.

Well it's a new year and now that I am officially settled in the new home, I can get back to what I love, gaming. Goals haven't changed too much. Still looking to break 1M on DK and that is what I'll start with this year. Just got to sit down and put some time in. Yolympics starting up soon so I'll be in there full force.

There are a few titles I really want to improve on this year. Those would be Moon Patrol, Elevator Action, Galaga, Space Firebird, and Bosconian.

That looks to be all I have for now.

Intel next time........
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Dk_madness Gaming Goals
« Reply #33 on: January 26, 2018, 09:30:13 am »
Well, finally managed to complete one of my long term goals.... that 1 million on DK. It has been a rough drought of 6 years!! I was really surprised that it came relatively quick after I started playing again. Just after a few months of knocking off the rust. I had one other close game that ended around 960K due to nerves and stupid mistakes.

Whats next??? I'll be slowly learning how to achieve that 1.1 million. I imagine it will be quite a while but I'm going to keep at it since I'm feeling pretty motivated right now.

On other gaming fronts..... I will definitely be practicing some DK3 (yes DK3) for that trifecta badge. I would also like to put up at least a 1.1 on DK jr. arcade as well. Been playing a ton of console stuff and I have been really enjoying it. The everdrives make it so nice and inexpensive to actually have all these games. I've been really concentrating on the Turbo Graphix 16/PC Engine. Its a great system and I don't see a whole lot of people streaming it. It needs much love (Wags)

Going to purchase a Sega Genesis everdrive and start working on a Phantasy Star RPGs marathon.

And there is always some Intrepid fun to be had as well lol.

That's about it for this years let's do this.........

Untel next time....
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Re: Dk_madness Gaming Goals
« Reply #34 on: January 26, 2018, 10:55:15 am »
I've been really concentrating on the Turbo Graphix 16/PC Engine. Its a great system and I don't see a whole lot of people streaming it. It needs much love (Wags)

Going to purchase a Sega Genesis everdrive and start working on a Phantasy Star RPGs marathon.

We love all the same games!  <3

I will definitely be practicing some DK3

Well......almost  Kappa
In the summer that you came
There was something eating everyone
And the sunshine fund was low
We couldn't greet you with a simple hello
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Re: Dk_madness Gaming Goals
« Reply #35 on: August 06, 2018, 08:21:16 am »
Trying to keep this blog from completely drying up  Kappa

Been pretty quite from the gaming side of things for a while now but now I will have some free time to start my trek for the 1.1 million DK. I’ve put in a few games and haven’t done too awful. I’ll need a lot of improvement for the barrel boards (mainly transitions) and well.... everything else as well. The last few games I have been hitting 55K to almost 58K per level which is a huge improvement so far.

I’ll definitely be stream more and more but eventually I’ll need to upgrade to a better PC as mine is about to take a shit.

Anyway, I have been working on my 3rd cab so I will hopefully have that up and running so I can play some of my other horizontal pcbs like Rush N Attack, Jail Break, Silk Worm and maybe some Pepper 2 Kreygasm

That’s it for now.... intel next time
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Re: Dk_madness Gaming Goals
« Reply #36 on: March 18, 2019, 08:15:02 am »
Time for an update I reckon,

Nothing new unfortunately. I’ve been taking some time off after my big win at AKO3 Kappa.

Starting DK masters run now...... should be up and streaming more.
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Re: Dk_madness Gaming Goals
« Reply #37 on: March 18, 2019, 01:46:46 pm »
Which will make use of a Mr. Video, I reckon. Kreygasm
Donkey Kong - 1,032,100 (22-1 KS)
Donkey Kong Junior - 79,400 (4-2)
Donkey Kong 3 - 344,200 (Stage 22)
Crazy Kong Part II - 645,400 (22-4 KS)

I occasionally stream here:
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Re: Dk_madness Gaming Goals
« Reply #38 on: March 18, 2019, 04:16:49 pm »
Starting DK masters run now...... should be up and streaming more.

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Re: Dk_madness Gaming Goals
« Reply #39 on: May 07, 2019, 08:54:37 am »
DK Masters is in full effect Kreygasm

Finally found some time to really get into this. Rank D is now complete and that was the easy part. I really put in some time with DK3 hard and finally got the Million. So frustrating but so satisfying to complete. I’m really liking DK3 and will keep grinding for a while. I’ll jump back to easy mode and tackle the RBS soon. If I can get there, I’ll refine my play and shoot for BBB.

Rank C inc.....Next on the list is Junior. I’ll be studying some new strats and when I get back into town next week start grinding for the 1.1 which shouldn’t be a problem. I feel like this might take a bit of time though. CK will follow and I see no issue with that requirement.

Well that wraps it up for now.

Intel next time.......
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Re: Dk_madness Gaming Goals
« Reply #40 on: April 29, 2024, 09:31:16 am »
Well after a long break, I’m back for more DK torture and mayhem.

The DK masters quest is going slow but still ongoing. I’ve slowed in the DK3 play for now as all my concentration is focused solely on DK 1.13. I feel a slight improvement in my game play, at least enough for a new pb. I’m starting to add some minor tweaks to my barrel play in hopes to increase my average there. Not very consistent yet, but I’m seeing a nice improvement so far. My island average went from roughly 10k-11.5k to now low 12k - low 14k. Not sure how that will translate into an actual run though. Much time still needs to be spent on elevators.

Even though DK3 has been put on the back burner, I was lucky enough to run across a new DK3 pcb. Looking forward to completing the diff 3 RBS in the near future and maybe, just maybe a bigger easy marathon score. Wait and see I guess.

Crazy Kong will be next in my sights as now I have acquired the adaptor necessary to play on my cab. 750k will be a fun challenge I hope to achieve.

Last but not least, we have Jr. I’ve learned so much by watching the pros, but watching and playing are two different beasts. I just hope to have a pcb when the time comes. Relearning this one will definitely be challenging.

Oh, I almost forgot… I’ll be gunning for that No Hammer record one of these days Kappa

So other than that, it’s been pretty quiet around the dkmadness house. I will just be grinding away at that Rankyyy A!

Intel next time…..
« Last Edit: April 29, 2024, 11:36:54 am by Dk_madness »
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Re: Dk_madness Gaming Goals
« Reply #41 on: April 29, 2024, 01:44:28 pm »
Please go good, sir.
"Do not criticize, question, suggest or opine anything about an upcoming CAG event, no matter how constructive or positive your intent may be. You will find nothing but pain and frustration, trust me. Just go, or don't go, and :-X either way!" -ChrisP, 3/29/15
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Re: Dk_madness Gaming Goals
« Reply #42 on: October 04, 2024, 05:52:45 am »
A lot has been going on the past few months. The quest for Rank A is picking up steam and I’ve been finding bits of time here and there to grind away.

One of my big goals has finally been achieved as I was able to squeeze out 1.1 for DK last month. Final score of 1,102,000 points. I really wasn’t expecting that but was a welcome surprise. I got a lot lot lot of work to do to refine my gameplay for that 1.13 but I feel a little more confident about getting there. I do plan on pushing it beyond that one day as next step will be 1.17. I am a big dreamer lol.

DK3 has finally been completed with a RBS on diff 3. This is definitely not the end for DK3 as I do enjoy playing it and plan to up a decent score for diff 4 one day in the future. I would still love to push up my diff 3 score a bit more maybe to the 5 mil mark or so.

News on the DK Jr front as I finally received a Jr. pcb and have been throwing down a few games on the island lately. 1.3 shouldn’t be much of a problem so hope to hit that in the next few months or so. Then the final push for 1.5 maybe? Who knows….

Getting close to Rank A on Crazy Kong with a score of 747k. I feel this is the easiest of the group to finish so this one will sit on the back burner until I complete the real hard stuff. At least Rank B is done with this.

Anyway, that’s it for now.

Intel next time….
« Last Edit: October 04, 2024, 05:55:19 am by Dk_madness »
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Re: Dk_madness Gaming Goals
« Reply #43 on: October 04, 2024, 05:25:52 pm »
BBB Gaming! You are smashing through those goals now.
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Re: Dk_madness Gaming Goals
« Reply #44 on: February 21, 2025, 01:03:01 am »
Man, just read through your blog and wow, you are really doing well these days!  Awesome to read of your accomplishments, Estel!

567,200 - Crazy Kong (MAME) - ended on L=21 rivets
555,000 - Donkey Kong (MAME)
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