Author Topic: Kong Off Row  (Read 8851 times)

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Kong Off Row
« on: February 13, 2013, 01:41:09 pm »
Thought this belongs here - Kong Off Row song and youtube photoshop slideshow:

Donkey Kong Off Row

You know, I've been thinking about it, and I really don't appreciate Brian Allen questioning my place in the DK community. I made this ode to honor the "1st and 2nd generation" of DK contenders, and some of the other gaming luminaries in the current incarnation of the arcade community. What have you done for the arcade community, Brian? You bring nothing but eye-rolls and strife. You are tolerated, because there are very nice people in this community. I am not as nice, and will tell you how it is. Especially now that you've gotten my attention.

Now, I know that you are always on the stream chats, Brian, and I haven't had a chance to spend the time virtually hanging out with everyone recently (although I'd like to),  so I don't see everything, but I would bet that what goes on when I'm not around is the same as when I am: you being a pain in the ass most of the time.

I actually play DK. Haven't had a phase where I've focused on it yet, but I will at some point. I've got the basics down, had to practice it for the first battle of the arcades. But it shouldn't matter, anyway. What should matter is that I'm interested in a feeling of inclusiveness in the community, and you, Brian, are an obstacle that people must overcome if they want to be a part of things.

I hope you take my words to heart, Brian, and think about what effect your attitude has on the community.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2013, 01:43:32 pm by giv »

Offline homerwannabee

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Re: Kong Off Row
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2013, 02:15:48 pm »
Talk about prematurely shooting your load.  This forum is relatively new, and Brian really hasn't done much in this forum as of yet to get anyone riled up.  You could have saved your spiel when Brian actually did something to rile people up.  Now you throw an unprovoked attack on this forum because of stuff that has nothing to do with this forum.

Now ironically the person who is causing the most drama so far on this forum is you because you initiated a thread specifically complaining about Brian.  There is a time, and a place for everything, and this definitely is not the time nor the place.
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Re: Kong Off Row
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2013, 07:50:45 pm »
No George, this started when Brian attacked me and said my posts and I don't belong on the DK forum. Maybe you missed it.

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Re: Kong Off Row
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2013, 08:01:44 pm »
George Leutz you'll always be an honorary member of the the DK community with this tune and your respectful pressence at KO1 and KO2. Good luck tomorrow.
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Re: Kong Off Row
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2013, 08:49:18 pm »
No George, this started when Brian attacked me and said my posts and I don't belong on the DK forum. Maybe you missed it.

Yeah, I get that, but I think you should respond to him in the proper setting.   If he criticizes you on Facebook call him out on Facebook.  If he criticizes you on the Twitch chat room call him out on Twitch.  Like the Las Vegas  saying "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."  What happens on CAG should stay on CAG.  What happens on Facebook should stay on Facebook.   So far this forum has not had any major drama with no threads locked.  Don't rock the boat by getting the first thread locked here.
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Re: Kong Off Row
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2013, 09:19:04 pm »
For the record, George Riley:

Guys, I think this is no big deal. It's just Brian being Brian!

I personally think that Brian Allen adds *ahem* "color" to things.

After all, would Allen's streams be as funny as they are if there were no Brian?

Probably best, in any case, not to take Brian's quirks personally.

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Re: Kong Off Row
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2013, 09:38:34 pm »
George, you say you get it, but I'm doing exactly what you said I should do. Besides Brian trolling the Bert-off thread, he also came on to a thread I started and told me I shouldn't be here on the DK forum.

That thread is gone now, but in it I gave Brian a chance to back off or suffer the consequences, and he chose to go to war with me. He had fair warning.

And thanks, Dave!
« Last Edit: February 13, 2013, 10:01:09 pm by giv »


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Re: Kong Off Row
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2013, 10:34:35 pm »
First of all i would like to thank George and Chris for there nice remarks about me .

As most people don'nt know i had taken Allen under my wing from the very start.    I was one of his First Facebook friends ..   I remember him saying to me i should'nt add these guys i really don'nt know them...  I said to Allen do you really know me?  Allen would be as known if he did'nt put him self out there.

All the Brian Allen songs,  Swearing my name,   All the FB Stuff.

I try to help the lesser known Players becouse noticed..

Maybe this is another reason why i should'nt come to the Kong Off 3
As for George L.

Like i said before I'm not affaid of anyone . I've learned to be very strong and not let people get to me anymore .    I have a lady friend i work with  she asked me the other day ...  Brian you o.k.?

I told her i have alot going on in my mind at the moment..   Couple mins later she brought me something and said  Love you Brian.

George I feel 99 percent of your messages here have been Negtive in 1 form or an other.

I was actly messing with you on FB .   Your not a big Fish.... you can be eaten at anytime.

You should be getting ready for your Q-BERT Off thing...   BTW GOOOO   ED! 

Offline homerwannabee

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Re: Kong Off Row
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2013, 02:41:10 am »
George, you say you get it, but I'm doing exactly what you said I should do. Besides Brian trolling the Bert-off thread, he also came on to a thread I started and told me I shouldn't be here on the DK forum.

That thread is gone now, but in it I gave Brian a chance to back off or suffer the consequences, and he chose to go to war with me. He had fair warning.

And thanks, Dave!

I did not see that post in that thread or simply forgot I saw that post.
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Re: Kong Off Row
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2013, 08:46:48 am »
Brian, you try to help lesser known gamers become noticed, and Allen Staal is your example? Allen Staal has no trouble getting himself noticed without any help from you. But I guess that was all you could come up with in answer to my question "What have you done for the arcade community, Brian Allen?" Other than be the albatross around it's neck.

You know, between this and the team you're going to start... You are giving me great photoshop ideas.


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Re: Kong Off Row
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2013, 09:14:05 am »
George, you say you get it, but I'm doing exactly what you said I should do. Besides Brian trolling the Bert-off thread, he also came on to a thread I started and told me I shouldn't be here on the DK forum.

That thread is gone now, but in it I gave Brian a chance to back off or suffer the consequences, and he chose to go to war with me. He had fair warning.

And thanks, Dave!

I did not see that post in that thread or simply forgot I saw that post.

He was bashing  DKJR You did'nt miss anything new. 

All he is doing bring Negtive stuff to the site.

BTW I have done alot for others here..   Someone needs to get  a clue!

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Re: Kong Off Row
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2013, 09:59:24 am »
OK guys, how about taking this to PM's or Facebook?
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Re: Kong Off Row
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2013, 11:51:30 am »
OK guys, how about taking this to PM's or Facebook?

Sorry JC

I did'nt start this