Blog alert.
Been at a bit of a loss recently as to what to play, other than what is in contests. Speaking of contests, seems like there has been a shitload of them recently. Managed to pull off a nice 3rd in Wolf's last contest, and also a 3rd in the last Aussie arcade MGL.
I have
almost given up on DK. The game shits me to tears (
) but with some recent news of a possible Aussie Kong-off (and someone unnamed person beating my score) it has given me some new motivation to keep getting better. Also the last DKOpen, which should be a blast! Tudose hype
Had enough of Joust too. It was nice when some others were playing it (Ben, Paolo) as I could track my progress and talk about the game. Its probably the reason I've lost interest. 700k is decent enough I think. Jry loves it I reckon
I've been having a few games of DK3 recently, although on easy/medium settings. Started it up tonight on hard as apparently thats what we should be playing on. Scored 200k which is pretty laughable but I know I can do better with some practice. Its actually a decent game.
The highlight for me of the last few weeks was definitely the Lunkerthon which can be found
here, that was played with my mates Estel, Glen and Phil (thanks Michael for the commentary - its wicked!). If you haven't checked it out, watch my epic fail
1lb Crappie battle that lasted for over 10 minutes
Anyway, christmas coming up so I won't be streaming for a couple of weeks (family etc) but will most definitely be shoutboxing and checking back at TG for the big update.
Peace mates. Happy holidays to all