This documentary was shot by the crew from Vice Magazine/Media. They told me there will be 2 versions of the documentary-- a shorter 5 minute version and a longer 15-30 minute version. The shorter version will focus on the rivalry between Vince and me. The longer version will give a broader picture of the Kong Off. I believe they got interviews with everyone in the top 12 as well as with many other players/organizers.
The one that will be streamed live tonight during VGX will be the shorter version.
EDIT: link to stream: will also be streamed on Xbox One, Xbox 360®, PlayStation®3 (PS3™), Twitch, iOS and Android devices, and available globally on, Hulu, Yahoo Screen, the Yahoo Screen app and Viacom properties,,, and
VGX is 3 hours I believe. I'm not sure when during those 3 hours it will be. Ironically Vince and I are both working today and we will both likely miss it if they run it early. VGX will also be broadcasted on cable TV (Spike TV) as "VGX Replay" on Dec 9 at midnight (the midnight between Mon/Tue Dec 9/Dec 10) EST. The broadcast will be narrowed down to only 1 hour, so I'm not sure if we'll make the cut.
I'm not sure where the longer version will appear, but they have a youtube channel and website: side question: If someone says Dec 9 at midnight, do they mean the midnight between Dec 8/9 or between Dec 9/10.