It's stats time.
The total number of registrants was
There were
30 players who registered in one or both of the two previous tourneys who did not register for this one:
Adam Mon
Andrew Gardikis
Andrew John Purkett
Anthony Trujillo
Chris Benn
Chris Icenhour
Cody Crouch
Daniel Day
Dean Saglio
Dustin Myers
Eddie Tessler
Eric Martin
George Strain
Glen Updike
Jeff Pickles
Joe Kassel
Joseph Carroll
Jourdan Adler
Justin Lee Ramser
Ky Staal
Mariano Velasco
Mark Kiehl
Matthew Ziolkowski
Melkon DomBourian
Richie Knucklez
Robert Felstein
Steve Wagner
Steve Wiltshire
Tom Bradley
Vincent Lemay
There were five newbies who registered for WCQ#3 who had not registered for any of the previous tourneys:
Graham Hawkins (12th place)
Martin Laing (20th place)
Alexis Minsloff (38th place)
Britt Cagnina (no submission)
Foreman Frank (no submission)
A total of
40 scores were submitted, leaving 18 non-submitters or no-shows.
Played, but did not submit:1. Craig Rout Gallant
2. Craig Ziegler
3. Daniel Dock
4. Dustin Pease
5. Kayla Rose
6. Matt Douglas
7. Mike Groesbeck
8. Mike Kasper
9. Nick Sheils
10. Svavar Gunnar Gunnarsson
11. Timothy Sczerby
Total Actual Participants: 51 (the 40 submitted scores plus the above 11 players)
Registered but did not play:1. Britt Cagnina
2. Foreman Frank
3. Hans Kollinger
4. Philip Tudose (registered before retiring from DK
5. Ross Benziger (had Internet problems that could not be resolved)
6. Scott Cunningham
7. Stan Trazka
A total of
78% (40 out of 51) of those who "went live" this weekend submitted a score.
Stats on the series will come soon.