Those that fought the revolutionary war and all those civil rights demonstrators in the 60's were just "cry babies too were they not?
This type of linguistic brain washing and programming doesn't work on me.
I don't think you can compare being omitted from a movie with being a revolutionary or a civil rights activist. To quote one Jules Winnfield, "...ain't the same ballpark, ain't the same league, ain't even the same fucking sport."
Yes, complaining about being left out of a movie makes you appear to be a crybaby. People who fought in the Revolutionary War and civil rights activists didn't sit around with this "woe is me" attitude and complain to anyone who would listen; they actually did something about it. Therein lies the astronomical difference.
Of course this may all just be a big conspiracy, among the ranks of 9/11, the moon landing, and the Kennedy assassination. THE POWERS THAT BE ARE TRYING TO WRITE YOU OUT OF THE HISTORY BOOKS!
Take off your tin foil hat and man up.