Keep in mind that the top 3 on that list are just a formality now.
Phil and Jon are definitely not going to KO3 at this point, and Ben will not be taking his spot because he'll be in the Satan's Hollow-off.
Eric is on top!
In fact, it might be useful to extend the list a few names down, since those scores are the actual targets.
The "real" list would be:
1. Eric Tessler: 966,000
2. Corey Chambers: 964,500
3. David McCrary: 934,000
4. Chris Psaros: 893,100
5. Robbie Lakeman: 851,300
6. Daniel Dock: 839,300
Timothy Sczerby: 725,000 (not going)
7. Ethan Daniels: 690,900
8. Daniel Desjardins: 688,600
And after that:
Mike Groesbeck: 685,700 (top 12)
Hans Kollinger: 685,600
Shawn Robinson: 680,300
Jeff Harrist: 678,200