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The Butcher

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Need some help with my game
« on: August 15, 2013, 08:21:17 am »
I know that Donkey Kong is a hard game.. and there are plenty of people here who have been playing it for years and years and haven't improved as much as they'd like.

For me.. this is totally unacceptable. I haven't' been improving near as much as I should be.

My high score is 218,000 and has been for over a month. I haven't even come close to that, but once. I got 204,000. Otherwise, I'm lucky to crack 100,000. I keep getting killed by wild barrels on like the 3rd barrel board or something stupid.

I want to improve. Here is a link of the games I played last night. Constructive criticism would be really great.. I need to get better soon. I want to get 250,000 in the wildcard this weekend.

Start at the 54 minute mark.


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Re: Need some help with my game
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2013, 08:53:52 am »
Just some initial thoughts for you.

1) Just run the boards. Avoid all point pressing. Do not grab the bottom hammer. Warp to level 5 as fast as possible. Play it safe with sure movements. Be patient. Don't stand by broken ladder on the 5th girder in early levels.

2) I would recommend that you watch my Rivet Training video and the very first part of my Barrel Video part 1. Only the parts about running boards and wild barrels and no more. On the second Barrel video watch 5th girder transitions. Then watch my killscreen game that is around 890K. This will demonstrate a safe way of playing that could really help you.

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Re: Need some help with my game
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2013, 09:01:10 am »
I didn't watch your whole video but saw the level 3 death.

When going up the middle ladder from girder 3 to 4, you should be trying to control barrel down the above (girder 5) broken ladder on the right. That will give you a clear path to get up to the hammer. Even while you're jumping a barrel on girder 4, if you see a barrel approaching the broken ladder then push to the right while in the air. This method becomes even easier after level 5 when you have the most controlable barrels. Once you get used to clear the path, you can pretty much just zoom through the barrel boards with no real threats. Of course, deal with level 3 and 4 wild barrels is another thing. But, the main thing to learn is to look up a couple of girder and control those barrels out of your way so they don't give you those tight jumping situations you get caught on.
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Re: Need some help with my game
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2013, 10:57:27 am »
For sure just run the barrel boards, forget the bottom hammer. Like Dave said, steer any and all barrels out of your way. Looking up 1 or 2 girders, seeing what's coming, and steering them out of your way will help you a lot.

Play safe. Don't rush into any situations. Think of this game like chess. You will survive longer and boost your scores if you are always thinking ahead, being cautions, and playing smart.

It'll always be better for you to stay put, or wait for a better opening...than rush into a difficult situation.

Fireballs in your way on PF screens? Wait it out at the bottom.  An opening nearly always presents itself. Again you'll see these openings if you're learning to look ahead and recognize when you'll be safe...or put yourself in danger.

Rivets, do the star pattern...and learn when to abandon it if you must. Once again this requires thinking ahead! Understanding how fast the firefoxes are and when you can outrun them, when you're safe to get that hammer, when to wait on a ladder so a Firefox moves down and out of the's all thinking ahead and playing the game like a game of chess.

Watching an expert play DK may seem like it's a simple game...and in a way it is...but what most people don't understand are all the things experts are doing, or not doing, on part of a strategic thought out plan.

This game isn't popular just because its the first Mario game, or because it was in a popular documentary (ok that had a lot to do with it), but it's a gigantic mess of a math puzzle...which is what keeps us playing's challenging and always different every time you play it.

Watch people's streams and don't just watch...think about what they're doing, why they're moving here or there, and try to predict what they're going to do next. Odds are it'll be something different that what you were initially thinking...and then you'll think about why, and hopefully learn from critically observing the gameplay of others.
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The Butcher

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Re: Need some help with my game
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2013, 11:09:58 am »
Thanks for the great tips guys

Quick question: what's the "star pattern" for the rivet board?

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Re: Need some help with my game
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2013, 11:20:58 am »
It's the pattern nearly everyone does. Go watch someone's stream and you'll see it.
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Re: Need some help with my game
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2013, 11:27:04 am »
Then I think that's what I'm doing?

2nd girder, get the rivet, jump back, up the ladder, up the ladder, get the 3rd and 4th level rivets, come back down to level 2, get the hammer, walk across, get the rivet, go down get that one, then go to the 3rd level and either get that rivet or the 4th depending on the fireballs

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Re: Need some help with my game
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2013, 11:29:39 am »
Then I think that's what I'm doing?

2nd girder, get the rivet, jump back, up the ladder, up the ladder, get the 3rd and 4th level rivets, come back down to level 2, get the hammer, walk across, get the rivet, go down get that one, then go to the 3rd level and either get that rivet or the 4th depending on the fireballs

Yeah, "star pattern" and "weave pattern" are descriptions of how people approach the left-side rivets. Looks here like you're describing the star. The weave is when, well, you weave back and forth as you ascend in order to clear ALL the left side rivets.
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The Butcher

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Re: Need some help with my game
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2013, 11:30:04 am »
oh i see on coreys page, go up on the right side first, not down. i got it