I've said it before about how MAME will give a certain % higher score due to the controls. And I'm not making excuses, but I feel I would already have my 1.1M game on arcade (or at least 1.08M) had I not had the arcade control screwings I've had lately, but that is my own problem to be fixed.
But, back to MAME, even though the sitting arrangement/controls/viewing angle may all be more confortable, to play at the level Phil has been playing is all reflexes and decision making, and that transfers directly into the arcade machine. So, I guess I agree that if it was a low million game on MAME then, sorry. But, given where he brought his score up to and how he's playing now, I dont' think he should be left out.
Now, you may say, OK, we let this guy in, what about the next MAME player? If you ask me on a conditional criteria, TOP 12 arcade in the contest or if all you can show me is MAME then (MAME: Beat Billy Mitchell and Steve Wiebe, or basically 1.065M or greater for MAME entry.)
This only now really affect one player since Robbie is in, I'm sure they are taking his arcade score.
However, I do respect the final decision if it's final on TOP 12 arcade only. It's been known, so it's not like it just came up.