The only way to record or playback in newer Wolfs is from the command line. There has been no GUI for Wolf since .106 (which is silly to me, since non-GUI programs scare off people who don't like using the command prompt. You'd think somebody would have made a GUI since then, but anyway...)
There is a simple built-in GUI that pops up if you click MAME.exe, but it does nothing except start the games and configure general inputs. All other MAME options and switches (the types of things that you CAN manipulate from the .106 GUI) have to be manually set in .ini files or invoked via command prompt, including recording and playing back .inps.
So, if you want to record or playback, this is what you have to do:
- Open a command window. (Go into the folder where MAME.exe is, hold CTRL, right-click, then click "Open Command Window Here". Personally, I made a shortcut to cmd.exe and I just click that.)
- At the command prompt, type: mame
<ROM name> -record
- Or you can invoke the record.bat that comes with WolfMAME and simply type: record
<ROM name> <inpfilename>(Alternate "record" with "playback" if you want to play back.)
I'm working on figuring out how to read the info stored in the .inp header. I'm Googling the everloving shit out of this and I can find nothing. I have to say, it drives me a little insane that there are features in WolfMAME that nobody, anywhere, has documented how to actually use, not even the people who developed those features.
It's just stuff like this:"This diff provides extended features for MAME INP files (input logs) to assist playbackability and curb possible cheating. "
OK, sounds good... now what??
(EDIT: Oh, how totally awesome, my MARP forum account has to be approved by an admin before I can ask about this. Sweeeeet!)