Living dangerously close to the very edge of the submissions rules. I have only accepted four MAME scores without an inp, and only one of these were a sole screen capture. In the case of the three, was Robbie's because it was a webcam on the screen and we could double check everything at the end, seeing his monitor, etc, I have accepted Christian's score because I could see real time chat and his monitor in the end because he was using a monitor capture, and I have accepted a score by Colmon, which took me about a week or two to accept and then finally I saw in his original broadcast that I could see his whole monitor in the end and see that wolfmame was open, no video software, etc. So... to date, I have never accepted a window capture only except from Ben Falls. I had already stated why... unless someone hijacked Ben's stream and put up a one million point game! The reasons for my acceptance in that case are clear and I don't think anyone disputes it. So with Todd's submission I am back to the following criteria... while keeping the case by case basis principle alive and well...
Auxiliary Rules:
7. The requirement for .inp and .wlf files addresses the possible falsification of a streamed game. If for some reason the player does not record their input along with their stream then they must demonstrate other evidences to address these concerns. These concerns predominantly include window capture only streaming formats. These evidences include: 1) showing the start up process of the game by clicking on the game in mame so we can see it is being started by the mame program. 2) At the end of the game, after the initials are entered, start another game while the game is still running. 3) Using the monitor capture format or using a webcam facing your monitor will enable people to see that you do not have any video software open on the bottom of the screen and that you are actually starting and playing a game live on Twitch.
Streaming Rules:
3. It is highly recommended that any streaming, whether Arcade or MAME, show the player who is playing the game, and are encouraged to have audio available with a microphone so we can hear the player and game inputs. The more evidence that you can provide on your streams will only strengthen your score’s credibility.
4. Streaming formats that only capture your MAME window will automatically require the .inp and .wlf files. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you either have the .inp and .wlf files, or make sure that you are using the full monitor capture, or a webcam facing your monitor, or have as much supporting evidence as possible so that there can be no question concerning the validity of your scores.
On the positive side, Todd's highlight is part of a nearly 4 hour broadcast of him playing at his level of DK. We know Todd very well and he streams on his channel often for all of us to see. We can clearly hear his inputs during the highlight, we can see him put his initials in at the end of play and in the broadcast he continues to play. We know from the broadcast that it is a continuous play with new credits put in so we know this is not some kind of inp playback from someone else. It is merely 400 points from his last update, so it is a reasonable progression from his recent score, so we are not looking at any substantial increase. In light of the following on his side, I propose to accept the score as legitimate.
However, Todd, I will probably sit on this score for a little while to see if you will increase your pb on 1-1 again since you have done so twice this week. Get 9,800 points very soon and that will make life easier. It is much easier for us to do in-house verification of known members of the forum, and usual streamers. We all know who we are. I just don't want people to begin questioning why I accepted Ben's score or Todd's score over-against another. But rest assured if some of these positive factors were missing then the case by case would say, um, we don't know you, we have not seen you stream before, we can't hear your inputs, etc, don't be surprised if I reject the score, lol.
In short, may all the Ben's and Todd's out there...... Stream your games, let us hear the inputs, have the inp if you want a mere window capture, etc. Read the rules and follow them so as to build as much evidence for your games as you can, prove to the world with as much proof as possible for your scores.
That is... in the perfect world...