Thanks Scott, I was gonna do my own (to see just how horribly I'm doing certain things, especially elevators lately), but now I don't have to. 5,200 avg. elevators. Barf!
I went into that game with the goal of Mike G's 953K, which was in third at that point of the tourney (and also probably about the best I can do with my current skills), planning to do 45K levels early and then up-shift to 53K levels later on, but I had to go double-hammer early in L8 and 9 to make up for that BUTT AWFUL L7.
Then I lost my last reserve life on 17-1 and gave up on the double-hammers and the 953 target. I switched to gunning for Jry's 905 at that point, which worked out.
I was all over the place though. Sloppy!