Robbie Lakeman
August 17th 2016
Crazy Kong Arcade 681500
Robbie Lakeman
746,400 MAME
Was this WolfMAME 106? Do you have the wlf file that goes with the inp?
Yeah it's WolfMAME 106. I'm not sure if i have the wolf file since this is the first time I've ever submitted a MAME score. I'll see if I can find it. If not, I can always restream it on Twitch.
It should be in the same folder as the inp. When you record an inp in WolfMAME 106 it will spit out two files "game.inp" and "game.wlf", with whatever you name you actually give it. So, as long as you haven't started another CK game with the same name as the last one, that wlf file should still be there.
Unfortunately, I may have lost that file. Rookie mistake on my part, but I will make sure to also save the wlf file in the future. At the moment I dont have access to any files since the computer I was using isnt working. Since I know very little about MAME, what is the point of the wlf file and why is it needed for submissions? Either way I'll restream it at some point since I'd like to upload it to YouTube.
Ok, I'm going to go ahead and accept Robbie's MAME score without the wlf file, and the
CK HSL has been updated accordingly. I've watched both the arcade score and the MAME score and both performances are, in my opinion, legitimate and acceptable for the following reasons:
1) Both scores were done with the appropriate settings.
2) The MAME score was done with WolfMAME 106.
3) There is already a history of non-WolfMAME/non-RU MAME submissions (or MAME games that were streamed only) being accepted, so I interpret that as a certain looseness in the MAME requirements.
4) Although it's a separate list, I think the CK HSL (and all of the lists on the forum) should look to Corey's Rulesâ„¢, in particular Auxiliary Rules #11 and #12:
11. The cumulative effect of multiple evidences will also play a factor in the acceptance of a score even if those evidences are not adequate alone.
12. Additionally, and most importantly, all scores on this list must be peer-reviewed in one manner or another. All scores which are being submitted according to the Auxiliary Rules will be handled on case by case bases and must be peer-reviewed, and a general consensus must be given by the DK Community that the score is probably genuine.
5) In my opinion, the wlf file requirement is important but not necessarily a deal-breaker. I've shifted my opinion on this over time. Formerly I was definitely in the "yes, always wlf file" camp, before I found out more about what it's used for. Now, I'm not entirely convinced that it's as important as it's made out to be. I don't know if there's anything useful contained in the wlf file that can't be determined by viewing the performance or digging into the inp itself.
Of course, this is still a community-based process, so if anyone sees any problems, please let me know.