sorry for the spamming but i really have been trying to be see both sides and i've found myself still largely being ok with it but also sort of seeing the attempted point (also i'm tired so i spent longer on this than i should've where as if i went to sleep i probably would've arived at the conclusion in 5 minutes in the morning)
anyway it keeps coming back to the transparency aspect for me.
the attempted thing, you said it yourself, what if someday he pushes something through. thats the entire reason why attemps matter.
so, someone cheats and they get caught. they then submit another score that has nothing wrong, its still rejected because we're worried they cheated again and we missed it. This makes sense.
someone attempts to cheat, fails, gets caught, same principle right? it begs the question if they made that attempt, then did they make another attempt which was succesful that we missed
what are we worried about in this case though considering robbies tranparency. his "attempts" are inherently linked to have talking about it. thats how intent was established right. and not some private conversation but a very public one. So is this concern that if this is allowed, eventually, robbie will find a cheat that does work, tell everyone about it, perform the cheat, and then have noone notice? You see how that aspect of tranparency makes all the difference when talking about attempts. The idea that he didnt truly cheat, but just tried to cheat while publicly showing how he did so, is dangerous cause it could lead to him one day succesfully cheating withnoone knowing while telling everyone about is pretty preposteours. At that point you have to turn the concern into, "well based on think i think he'll someday attempt to cheat but not tell anyone how", but this just doesnt support that. if we're gonna use past actoin to predict future action, you cant look at the half where he thinks it affects rng but ignore the half where hes tranparent about it, and no offense robbie, but obnoxioiusly over the top in everyone's face for months transparent