I just found these 2 remixes and liked the games enough to add them to my own compile.
Here I made a moderm compile of MAME 0.223 to directly include:
- Donkey Kong Christmas Remix (DKREMIX)
- Donkey Kong Spooky (DKSPOOKY)
- Removed nag screens
- ARCADE Target compile
Since these ROMS were released for a Tournament, it looks as if the DIP switchs only
controls Cabinet style (Upright / Cocktail), and not # lives, Bonus, nor Extra man selections.
I read the Christmas Remix should be able to select level order too (REMIX A, REMIX B, CLASSIC).
It would be nice if a set was available of these 2 games, that allow the extra options above
(and high score save), like in DKONGX and DKONGX11 at start-up.
The zip includes the compiled Mame, ROMS and Source.