Author Topic: 5th Girder Safe Area Under Hammer  (Read 7838 times)

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Offline dknetter

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5th Girder Safe Area Under Hammer
« on: April 24, 2020, 07:50:03 am »
A couple weeks back Xelnia posted this link in the shoutbox to show how far right you can stand under the hammer and still be safe from a wild barrel on level 5+:

I thought so too, but just got hit when standing here:

From my stance in the frame, I can still take a mini step forward and be in the same position as Xelnia's picture - not yet touching the next rise in the girder.

Prior to getting hit, all I did was jump for the hammer, turn right, and wait. So how did I get hit given I'm further left? Does it matter that my stance has one foot in the air? Is it possible that you can get hit two pixels away from the rise in the girder, but not one pixel away?
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Offline SithOfSpades

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Re: 5th Girder Safe Area Under Hammer
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2020, 08:59:24 am »
The trajectory of the barrel depends on your location. If you stand where xelnia posted or anywhere to the left of that position and don't move at all or only move left, you will be safe. However, if you are to the right of where you were when the barrel was released even just a pixel you will get hit. Often a turn around comes with a little motion.

(edited to add a bit of clarification)
« Last Edit: April 24, 2020, 09:07:31 am by SithOfSpades »
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Re: 5th Girder Safe Area Under Hammer
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2020, 09:07:53 am »
The trajectory of the barrel depends on your location. If you stand where xelnia or anywhere to the left of that position and don't move at all you will be safe. However, any movement right after the barrel is in the air will almost certainly kill you from any location. Often a turn around comes with a little motion.

Ah, okay - makes sense. I did turn right with the hammer just after Kong let go of the barrel, and there is a little movement to the right I can see jumpman make during the turnaround. Thanks!
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Offline SithOfSpades

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Re: 5th Girder Safe Area Under Hammer
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2020, 09:38:01 am »
A mildly interesting related thing. Often, if you have the hammer in hand in that general area and he throws the wild and you don't move at all, the wild will pass between you and the hammer leaving the barrel unsmashed, but you won't die. A lot of people go ahead and get this smash by quick left-right motion. Just be sure to go more left than right and don't fall off the edge. I make the right as fast as I can make the left maybe twice as long as the right.
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