Author Topic: Responding to 2nd barrel dropping down the short ladder from the 5th girder  (Read 9043 times)

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Offline dknetter

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After I make my way to the left of the longer ladder on the 4th girder, I try to steer barrels down the longer or broken ladders until a path is clear to get up to the 5th girder and get the hammer...pretty standard I think.

I'm struggling with how to respond when two barrels get past the longer ladder, either by being stubborn or mistimed steers. If the first barrel gets to the end of the girder and drops to my level, then I'm not sure how I should be typically trying to respond to it given that the trailing barrel can potentially drop down the short ladder and hit me on a straight jump.

After a second barrel passes by the longer ladder I'm standing next to, should I normally retreat to the right to give myself time to assess the situation and make the correct jump, or do I just need to be quicker with a slight move right and left jump if the second barrel happens to start down the shorter ladder, or some other option?

I've attached a super short video clip to show the type of situation I'm talking about...any advice would be appreciated.
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Offline dknetter

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And here's another example that just happened, complicated by a 3rd barrel trailing the first two...
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Offline Kibbey93

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Once you notice some barrels not steering and recognize it could be dangerous in between the two ladders, you should work towards getting to the safer spot at the top of the long ladder from the 3rd to 4th girder.

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Offline dknetter

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Hey thanks a lot for taking the time to reply! I wondered if that was what I should be trying to do here, but wasn't really sure. I figured folks who have already KS'd probably had to work through all the stuff I'm struggling with already and know what to do.

Maybe I need to watch more vids of others playing. Lots of the stuff out there is point pressing though, which doesn't usually provide a good example of how to simply survive the board.
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Offline elbee85

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I use to die a lot from that. For instance in your video a retreat should've been made as soon as you saw the blue (2nd barrel) barrel go past the long ladder. After retreating You MIGHT find yourself with some odd barrel combos with little time to asses but you'll be less dead. Back jumps are your friend.
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Offline dknetter

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Great, thanks for confirming! I definitely need to get more consistent on barrel levels before a KS becomes a realistic possibility...
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