Anyone else..? Sometimes I sit at this game and love its simplicity and the cool retro sounds effects, then other times I want to push the machine over and set it on fire.
I think my issue is I'm so inconsistent, and it mainly comes down to my spring deaths. It just feels so hit and miss. Last week I made it an hour with zero deaths, then this week I'm losing all my lives by 400-500k.
I've been watching lots of streams over the last few weeks, along with the great YouTube videos from the high score thread. It's evident that to master the springs, you need to dance near the bottom of the ladder and quickly flick up the ladder on a short.
Running from the safe spot seems dangerous due to double springs, and I can't seem to react fast enough to the longer springs coming in. I think the issue is anxiety by pausing in one spot. Do any of the pros agree with this thinking?