you guys did destroy Billy's reputation
Let's not get side tracked with semantics. All I see is a bunch of bitter pills shitting all over an event so many people worked hard to put together, but not doing anything about it like doing something positive. I swear to God, you guys enjoy cannibalizing yourselves. Billy put you all on the map, you guys exposed him and distanced yourself from him, if the Kong Off is not good enough for you guys start your own event, otherwise shut up about it.
I didn't even know who the hell Billy was when I got into classic arcade gaming so your point is invalid billy fanboy lol. once I got some playing around $$$ and have a house I reckon I will host my own live events as I see fit
Oh I'm not a Billy fan boy. I had my own reasons for defending him in the past but I am beyond that now. My only issue with what's going on here is so many of my friends and others are distancing themselves from the community. I know Richie is working hard to try to unite everyone, unfortunately as far as you are all concerned, as long as Billy is attached to these events, things will continue to drop further with the community. Richie and Billy are two sides of the same coin, meaning they're good friends and brothers, both have done alot for the other, so it's illogical to ever see the divide the community would like to see. Same goes for Walter and Billy.
I think a few people have boycotted the Kong Off's, then there are people like Wes, who was banned, and others who like to stick it to the event who are great players. But wouldn't it be great to be able to get all these folks playing again in one place like it was before. That would be nice. And no more discussion about Billy, let him do his thing else where, while those who are the top players take the spot light. That was a few people's motivators for the entire Billy dispute, so many players complained how they worked hard only to remain a shadow behind Billy who was tied to an event where the star was the top player.
I got no issue with Billy, so I'm trying to tread water safely here, however I can see alot of people's point in this community and I get it. So if you are trying to start your own Kong event that would be great! I hope you succeed and hope it reinvigorates the community again.