Author Topic: Donkey Kong High Score List General Discussion  (Read 397981 times)

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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2013, 04:34:14 pm »

I suppose I should correct the date for my own score.

I submitted a DK score on 01/17/2012, then surpassed it 2 days later.

The correct info is:

TG  -  757,400  -  Scott Cunningham  -  01/19/2012  -  MAME

It's way down on the list, and dropping further as I type, but it's there.

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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2013, 05:30:36 pm »
I think removing duplicate names is a good idea, but I also think that maintaining an accurate list of both arcade and MAME scores is important. So maybe have a master list, then two "sub-lists" that chronicle the separate methods. But then again, I'm the kind of person who keeps every scrap of paper related to everything I do, so I tend to go a little overkill when it comes to record-keeping.

Also, there needs to be some kind of score cut-off, I think. The lowest TG score for DK Arcade is something like 2,900. We certainly don't need a bunch of those kinds of scores populating the list(s).
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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2013, 05:48:19 pm »
Also, there needs to be some kind of score cut-off, I think. The lowest TG score for DK Arcade is something like 2,900. We certainly don't need a bunch of those kinds of scores populating the list(s).

I agree wholeheartedly.  Let's make 214,000 the cutoff score.

Just kidding.  I figure that any friend of Ethan's can take it.   :)

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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #18 on: April 21, 2013, 06:20:10 pm »
Also, there needs to be some kind of score cut-off, I think. The lowest TG score for DK Arcade is something like 2,900. We certainly don't need a bunch of those kinds of scores populating the list(s).

I agree wholeheartedly.  Let's make 214,000 the cutoff score.

Just kidding.  I figure that any friend of Ethan's can take it.   :)

Haha. Definitely! 214,000 is good; I'm not sure I'll even make 213,900! ;)

In all seriousness, I don't consider myself worthy enough to be on any kind of DK list yet, unless "most times viewing Ethan's stream" is a list.
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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2013, 08:29:45 pm »
Thank you all for your participation. I will be updating all this information this evening. Dave brought up a good point which I feel needs to be addressed. I would also share a little more why I think that this particular list is important. As it has been stated at the beginning of the list that it is a simple, fun list for us and in no way competes with TwinGalaxies. In fact, I would highly recommend that all scores be submitted to TwinGalaxies. I recognize that not all real, authentic scores are even submitable to TwinGalaxies due to the lack of recording and verification processes not being followed. I think of Ethan Daniels great games. I think he deserves to be on a list such as this. Therefore, this list serves those scores in an unofficial format that is accessible to all of us.

Hank's list is probably more accurate and with the Community's permission, if all agree that these are all verifiable and accurate scores then I will add them to this Score List on the DK Forum. One of the differences here is that Hank's list is a list that includes non-verified scores, a kind of innocent until proven guilty policy, therefore by default I can't simply merge his list into this one. This list on the DK Forum will require some form of Peer-Review to be considered a verified score. Hank's list serves a particular function, which is to show the highest score that one claims has had while achieving a killscreen. If I achieve a 1M point game on Twitch and I did not achieve a killscreen, and wasn't recording the inp for proper submission to TG, then this list here would allow me to post my score to the community where the other two would not allow. Maybe it is safe to say that most improvements in one's score does not result in a killscreen. This is particularly true for one who is slowly improving but has never achieved a kill screen. This list will give them proper recognition. Please, continue to post scores, correct information, and share your ideas.

P.S. Xelnia, as of right now there isn't an official limit to a score that can be submitted. As the DK Community grows I would like to encourage up and new comers to post their scores. Right now there is not a lot of work into the list so I will gladly add your score of 213,800 to the list, I just need to know your name, the date, and how it has been recognized by the DK Community such as twitch, live play, etc. I also like the idea of removing the duplicate names. I will be doing this. Although it seems very nice to have three lists, one for MAME, one for Arcade, and one for both, but that is a lot of work. Besides, maybe this is just me, but a DK score, whether achieved on MAME or Arcade has great value.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2013, 09:07:10 pm by corey.chambers »


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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2013, 09:46:34 pm »
Ty George you allways have my back!

Wheres  Allen's score lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I(George Riley) have a 457,400 score listed on MARP

Brian Allen has a 687,100 score listed on MARP


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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #21 on: April 21, 2013, 09:47:50 pm »
My score on Twitch was 1,007,600 and I was on the MAME platform.  Brian Allen made a post about it the same day it happened which was March 6th.

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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #22 on: April 21, 2013, 09:48:17 pm »
Most of the scores on Hank's list are probably OK (the majority are TG), but I'm just going to come right out and say it: Glen Updike recently produced some info that casts some serious doubt on Patrick Scott Patterson's kill screen score (841 I think?), and I have to agree, based on the data, that it's mega-über suspicious, and needs further supporting evidence.

In the course of 5 months, his personal best was in the mid-300s, after which he stopped updating his game-by-game progress tracker (the data that I'm speaking of). Then, in month 7, out of nowhere, he posted a cryptic, commentary-less kill screen announcement consisting of nothing but a photograph of a monitor cropped to show simply "L=22".

That would be a little suspect for anybody, but much more so in his case when you consider that the attempt was public and that he, therefore, had his image and his "gaming street cred" invested in it. And if anybody is into cultivating his image, it's PSP. (I think he'd be the first to admit it.)

I don't want to be a dick, because I admire PSP in several respects (the guy definitely has a lot of hustle), but I doubt his kill screen. I really can't NOT doubt it. He staked a piece of his reputation on getting one, and you can't ignore the politics of the situation.

Imagine Allen vanishing from Twitch for two months, then popping up and saying "guys, I just got a kill screen!" We'd all be massively skeptical. And we love Allen! But, given what we know, such an extraordinary claim would beg for evidence. There would be a "wht da??" all around. I feel like PSP's is in the same category.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2013, 09:15:06 pm by ChrisP »

4 Quarters :-* - 800K Avg. Per Qtr. :o - No Restarts 8) - No Proof :'(

7/26/2013   Coin 35,946   710,800   18-1
7/28/2013   Coin 35,947   903,700   22-1
8/16/2013   Coin 35,948   694,100   17-6
8/17/2013   Coin 35,949   893,100   22-1

3,201,700: the $1 World Record?
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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #23 on: April 21, 2013, 10:13:31 pm »
This High Score List on the DK Forum has included all the higher scores which I could find on TwinGalaxies so we already have those covered. I will have to make a list of the ones that are not included and post them to see if we can get some verification. I wanted to have some caution in simply merging Hank's "The Official Unofficial List of DK Killscreeners" into this list because of the premise that he gives at the beginning of his list that... "This list includes Arcade/MAME/Double DK scores—verified or notBasically self reported scores are OK unless there is evidence to the contrary (innocent until proven guilty)." Although I don't have any reason to doubt any of those that have submitted for Hank's list, I wanted the list on the DK Forum to be at least one step higher than an honor system. I hope this does not exclude any good scores, I just wanted to ensure that the list is accountable to the DK Community, and that there are at least some stipulations on what will be allowed on the list. I will make the list of those that are on Hank's list that are not represented on this one, and then allow time for anyone to share their approval or suspicions about those scores. Once again, I don't want to simply add them due to Hank's premise, even if it were to cover only a few, but I would like to know what those few are in that case. 

"The worst thing to do, is to give someone credit that they don't deserve. But even worse than that is not giving some credit that does deserve it." [Paraphrase] Am I saying that right, lol?
-Billy Mitchell-
« Last Edit: April 21, 2013, 10:24:13 pm by corey.chambers »


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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #24 on: April 21, 2013, 10:53:19 pm »
Ben Falls Millon plus score is not listed!

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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #25 on: April 21, 2013, 11:49:31 pm »
Allen Staal 539,600 "wildcard rematch 1"

and also this was taken from the KO2 website
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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #26 on: April 21, 2013, 11:54:13 pm »
Allen Staal 539,600 "wildcard rematch 1"

and also this was taken from the KO2 website

Yeah, I streamed that game, but never submitted it.
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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #27 on: April 22, 2013, 12:28:01 am »
P.S. Xelnia, as of right now there isn't an official limit to a score that can be submitted. As the DK Community grows I would like to encourage up and new comers to post their scores. Right now there is not a lot of work into the list so I will gladly add your score of 213,800 to the list, I just need to know your name, the date, and how it has been recognized by the DK Community such as twitch, live play, etc.

Thanks Corey. Don't worry about adding my score at this time. I'm not yet streaming my DK play and, having just barely started recording INPs, don't have anything to prove that score. The score in my signature is just a way to keep track of my progress. Once I start getting into the 400Ks I'll starting streaming.
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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #28 on: April 22, 2013, 12:56:59 am »
Hey may thanks for adding it, it was done on mame that game.
Oh yeah and my name is actually Nick Sheils, not sure were the extra letters came from, I probably should have said something about that earlier, it's wrong in a couple of places now.
Thanks again mate.
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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #29 on: April 22, 2013, 01:25:48 am »
"The worst thing to do, is to give someone credit that they don't deserve. But even worse than that is not giving some credit that does deserve it." [Paraphrase] Am I saying that right, lol?
-Billy Mitchell-

It's pretty funny that you quoted Billy here because his scores are likely also bullshit. 

Yep, I said it.  Dude's an amateur.