SQUIIDUX, I don't think you are beating a dead horse. I just don't think you are getting an adequate response. I wish I had a Mac so I could evaluate sdlmame but I do not. I wish I knew more about MAME programs, Ubuntu, and other issues you have raised. As I said, I think you have a valid point, if the community is willing to evaluate a proposed MAME program then I am more than willing to allow other versions of MAME that are comparable. I don't see any reason why we can't accept other MAME programs for the same reasons offered for why we are accepting all versions of WolfMAME. Until someone takes the initiative to do some investigation, or if someone can make a convincing case for WolfMAME only, then the issue remains tabled. Until then, I would recommend playing WolfMAME any way you can. I apologize that I can't give you a better response, and I am sorry that it is not ideal for you. Maybe we don't know too much about other MAME programs, maybe mistakes would be made in the evaluation process, maybe it will become a slippery slope. I don't have all the answers for you, I just don't know enough about all of this to give you the kind of reasoning and response that your questions deserve.