Author Topic: KrehZ-Kong's Neverending Journey  (Read 13449 times)

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Offline krehztim

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KrehZ-Kong's Neverending Journey
« on: July 03, 2018, 08:11:46 pm »
As I'm now starting to get back into my DK Quest for the Kill Screen, I wanted to document my progress, lack thereof, or just the general madness of trying it in the first place. 

Who am I?  Well, "retro" gaming and I came of age at the same time.  I was 10 during the summer of 1981, and I think that's around when my local skating rink got the area's first DK machine.  But it was Set 2, so the I learned the game using the ladder trick to keep barrels from dropping on my head.  I was short for my age, and my dad had actually made me a custom  footstool, so I could see high enough to play.  I was the first at the rink to hit 100,000.  I remember the sheer luck in getting by the freaking elevators at last.  I think at that time, the strategy was somehow wait for 4 straight springs after she screams "help", and go after the 4th.  Of course, it only worked when you randomly got lucky.  I was the only person to top 200,000, which was probably the middle of '82 when I was 11. 

I loved DK from the start - the music, the color scheme, the physics.  Everything was perfect.  The arcade inside the rink had maybe 20 machines by then, and they were golden - Scramble, Wizard of Wor, Gorf, Pac and Ms Pac, Asteroids, Space Invaders, Star Wars Cockpit, Ladybug, Mr. Do!, to name a few.  DK was the only one I was putting my quarter on for next game, and putting my quarters in, in hopes of advancing. 

So, here we were 3 or so years ago, when I found DKF, and found there was a lot of method to the DK madness.  OF course, it's not a patterned, predictable game, but there are patterns of behavior and certain actions can be influenced.  Reading Spring Theory was a revelation.  Aside from that, starting to watch Wes, Robbie, Dean, and others play every day was the best way to learn what to do and what not to do. 

I'm often a goal-driven person (I'm a Federal IT project manager in my spare time), so my goal became KILLSCREEN OR BUST.  I've managed to get over 540k so far, but haven't had much time to play over the past couple of years.  I've had two kids graduate from high school and start college, and work has become increasingly demanding as we're all expected to do more with less.While I've enjoyed Crap Tourneys, IGBYs, and others, I'm focusing more on DK,  now that those are dying off.

My biggest problem is finding the time and environment conducive to getting better.  I'm in a house with my daughter and son right now, a wife, and SEVEN cats.  Invariably, my wife needs something every 20 minutes, or like today, a cat will jump up in front of the monitor when I'm cruising along at 250k.  If I can't find a way to get some uninterrupted time, I will never make any progress.

So, today's adventure was working on getting better Starts.  I was cruising along at 85k, just starting the pies, when I made a bad decision and died at the top.  That would have been a decent start for me (115-120 maybe).

I found out about the MGL starting up again, so I went to Crazy Kong - I haven't played since I kill screened it last year.  Happy with my 334,400, mostly because 2 deaths were direct results of one of the damn cats jumping on the desk and standing in front of the monitor.  Once my son goes to college, i'm moving my stuff upstairs to be ALONE, which should help.

As for strats and problems, I'm doing really well learning.  I still have some issues on Lvl 4, for some reason, and I still have some issues on the 3rd girder from the top on barrel boards.  For the most part, though, I've learned the hard jumps, what to do in certain complicated situations, and how to survive just about anything survivable.  Watching the giants play has done that for sure.

I try to stream whenever I'm doing DK runs, so please stop on in, and if you have any advice at all (other than "quit, you'll never do it"), I'd love to hear it. 

Donkey Kong (US Set 1) - 542,800
Donkey Kong Start - 111,100
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Re: KrehZ-Kong's Neverending Journey
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2018, 08:18:48 pm »
Badge this man up!

Good luck, Tim. With your great all-round CAG'ing skills I know you'll crush this sooner rather than later
Love it!
Member for 12 Years Former DK3 World Record Holder DK Masters - Rank A DK 1.1M Point Scorer 1M on DK, DKJR, and DK3 Difficulty 3 Submit a score for every DK3 track DK3 Repetitive Blue Screener Winner of a community event IGBY 2016 DKF Team Member DKJR Killscreener DK 1M Point Scorer CK Killscreener DK Killscreener Blogger Twitch Streamer

Offline krehztim

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Re: KrehZ-Kong's Neverending Journey
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2018, 04:49:28 pm »
Thanks, Andrew.  Of course, only I would start a DK blog just as MGLXXXVI and Crap are starting up.  Been working on my 1-1 skills, trying to submit something over 10k, even though I have done it a number of times, just not INP'd or Twitched.  Getting really freaking frustrated.  I wonder if the best strategy is to start out at the bottom and leach the fireball.  Doesn't seem to make a difference to me.  My 10k+ 1-1's usually don't involve that leaching at all.  I need to submit a decent score on CK, so I can forget it and move on.  DK requires such a commitment, I am continually amazed at those of you who put in hours upon hours multiple times a week.
Donkey Kong (US Set 1) - 542,800
Donkey Kong Start - 111,100
Crazy Kong Pt II - 590,800 (KS)
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Re: KrehZ-Kong's Neverending Journey
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2018, 06:39:29 am »
2 games yesterday, both over 350k, the last one 490k, so the consistency took about 20 games over 2 weeks to come back.

Main problem now is I'm getting an MRI on my brain (seriously) next week.  I've been having facial numbness, dizziness, and a ringing in my ears that more of a dissonant, loud buzzing.  Normal tests don't show any particular cause.  It's gotten almost unbearable, since it's 24 hrs a day, and it's made worse by driving, which makes my 75-mile each way commute into Washington DC a little fked up.
Donkey Kong (US Set 1) - 542,800
Donkey Kong Start - 111,100
Crazy Kong Pt II - 590,800 (KS)
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Re: KrehZ-Kong's Neverending Journey
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2018, 11:03:26 am »
Making good progress! Sorry to hear about the problems your having. Hope it’s not anything too serious.
Donkey Kong - 1,032,100 (22-1 KS)
Donkey Kong Junior - 79,400 (4-2)
Donkey Kong 3 - 344,200 (Stage 22)
Crazy Kong Part II - 645,400 (22-4 KS)

I occasionally stream here:
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Re: KrehZ-Kong's Neverending Journey
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2018, 04:25:57 pm »
Man, khretzy, prayers for you brother.
Matthew 21:22

DK Arcade PB (verified): 970,200 KS
DK Start PB (verified): 126,600
DK L1-1 PB (verified): 11,400
DK PB 1st Man: 622,000

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^Now outdated, see instead:
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Re: KrehZ-Kong's Neverending Journey
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2018, 12:56:15 pm »
Long time no post.  Work and the holidays crushed my dreams of a kill screen this year.  I have taken a break and started working on 1-1.  Consistently getting over 9k, have gotten 10-something a few times, waiting for 11k to submit.  After Yolympics, my KS quest will resume full speed.

My biggest issue is that I just can't resist point pressing.  I need to stop.  I'm getting ready to put black tape on my monitor to cover the score.
Donkey Kong (US Set 1) - 542,800
Donkey Kong Start - 111,100
Crazy Kong Pt II - 590,800 (KS)
Member for 9 Years Blogger CK Killscreener IGBY 2016 DKF Team Member Twitch Streamer

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Re: KrehZ-Kong's Neverending Journey
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2019, 10:34:57 am »
So, the bad news is that I'm a furloughed fed, so no income for me.  Tonight would have normally been the last run of payroll at Treasury for this pay period. 

Good news is that I have time to work on this god-forsaken game.  I'm consistently getting over 200k on my first man, but I die in batches.  I died all four times on one Pie level.  I've finally managed to switch out of point pressing mode to survival-only.  I would love just a little advice on the L5+ pies - is it that much safer to wait for all 5 to spawn left, or is it just as manageable to grab the hammer right away?  I don't have a good sense of the timing as to when the hammer's running out and where I should go.  Is there something in the code that affects fireball behavior relative to the hammer?  TIA.
Donkey Kong (US Set 1) - 542,800
Donkey Kong Start - 111,100
Crazy Kong Pt II - 590,800 (KS)
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Re: KrehZ-Kong's Neverending Journey
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2019, 02:45:36 pm »
So, the bad news is that I'm a furloughed fed, so no income for me.  Tonight would have normally been the last run of payroll at Treasury for this pay period. 

Good news is that I have time to work on this god-forsaken game.  I'm consistently getting over 200k on my first man, but I die in batches.  I died all four times on one Pie level.  I've finally managed to switch out of point pressing mode to survival-only.  I would love just a little advice on the L5+ pies - is it that much safer to wait for all 5 to spawn left, or is it just as manageable to grab the hammer right away?  I don't have a good sense of the timing as to when the hammer's running out and where I should go.  Is there something in the code that affects fireball behavior relative to the hammer?  TIA.

Sorry to hear about the furlough, sir. Hopefully that bullshit ends soon.

If you're just playing for survival, you definitely want to wait until all the fireballs spawn on the left and then go for the free pass up the right side. Obviously that's a best-case scenario that doesn't always work out and many times you'll need to grab the hammer. If you have to grab the hammer, try to smash and force the fireballs to respawn on the most favorable side: if they're clustering on the left, respawn them on the left...clustering on the right, respawn them on the right. Remember that they'll respawn on whatever side of the screen that you're on. You want to try and give yourself a clear path to use once the hammer runs out. Again, this isn't always manageable, but can help. There is no code relative to fireball behavior and the hammer; they have no idea you have it. Playing for survival also means being patient and waiting for your opening. If all the fireballs are running around, below the top girder, then you might need to retreat all the way to the bottom until an opening presents itself. And don't force the final ladder climb if there is a cluster above you (<Allen>); keep your eyes on the whole board and be willing to retreat and finish on the opposite side if need be.
"Do not criticize, question, suggest or opine anything about an upcoming CAG event, no matter how constructive or positive your intent may be. You will find nothing but pain and frustration, trust me. Just go, or don't go, and :-X either way!" -ChrisP, 3/29/15
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Re: KrehZ-Kong's Neverending Journey
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2019, 03:05:35 pm »
Thx Jry.  I'm good with managing the top ladders. I had wondered about the code because on the rivets, it seems like they come down much faster to that 3rd level once you grab that left hammer.  Good to know there's no correlation.  I think my biggest issue, like many people, is handling the pies when things go off the rails, especially when the firefks drop down to the bottom and next to bottom conveyor.  Practice, practice, practice.  Thanks for the tips and congrats again!
Donkey Kong (US Set 1) - 542,800
Donkey Kong Start - 111,100
Crazy Kong Pt II - 590,800 (KS)
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Re: KrehZ-Kong's Neverending Journey
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2019, 09:30:33 pm »
Battle for KS took a back seat to the awesome Yolympics.  It was great seeing so much new blood, and seeing some out-of-this-world scores and talent.  I walked away loving Toobin', which I would have said had lower odds than me ripping my own intestines out and squeezing the contents into a Ninja blender, and drinking it.  Pearl's revived my shmup fever, and Wolf is luring me out of my horrible isolated, crippling depression.  Thanks for everyone's support there.

Now that I finally got my 10k 1-1 submitted, DK goals (in no order) for 2019:

1.  12k 1-1
2.  20k L1
3.  125k start (123k is PB)
4.  Beating PB of 542,800
6.  750k
7.  KS
8.  Consistently nail the backward jump to grab the hammer and still get the barrel I jump over.

I also want to learn the bird pattern on the springboard level of DK JR, so I can finally KS that one, too.

Outside of DK:

1.  Get the apples to appear on Hyper Sports archery again.  I haven't done this since being a weekly player in the 80s.
2.  1cc Espgaluda again
3.  50m DoDonPachi
4.  Super Pang 1cc
5.  2m Toobin'
6.  Survive two rounds of The Pit on Wizard of Wor
7.  Submit at least one top 10 MARP T16
8.  Top 20 Summer Yolo
9.  Top 10 Crap
10.  Reclaim my Pac-Man spot on RU if it's still around.
Donkey Kong (US Set 1) - 542,800
Donkey Kong Start - 111,100
Crazy Kong Pt II - 590,800 (KS)
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Re: KrehZ-Kong's Neverending Journey
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2023, 10:17:58 pm »
Dusting off the blog here, with all of the crazy scores in the past couple of years. I have finally started picking up my killscreen goal again, sitting at 542,800, starting to work on understanding wilds a little better. Playing a lot of the PaulGoes mods/hacks that are so helpful. I keep getting distracted by the awesome hacks.

I'm still curious as to what the age is of the oldest first-time killscreener. I'm hitting 53 next month, and I'm having some health issues, both physical and mental, so I feel like my KS clock is ticking. If RA would stop adding such awesome contents and achievement sets, it'd help with my focus.

Anyway, the point - all of this higher-level play is inspiring me to try again for L=22, for my 2nd L=22 badge. I forgot about this blog, but I'll pop in with updates. Love the community!
Donkey Kong (US Set 1) - 542,800
Donkey Kong Start - 111,100
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Re: KrehZ-Kong's Neverending Journey
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2023, 04:50:24 pm »

Tim sir

You already have the only L=22 badge that counts.

But if you insist on playing that other Kong game, get 'em sir! If  <Allen> can manage it, in theory any of us that can hold a pen or empty our bowels successfully can do it it too.

Keep us updated and godspeed!
Member for 11 Years Blogger CK Killscreener IGBY 2016 DKF Team Member Twitch Streamer