Author Topic: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated  (Read 342637 times)

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Offline OldMofoBo

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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #240 on: February 21, 2018, 04:09:52 pm »
Last 2 pictures.  (Sorry, I'm new to this forum)

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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #241 on: February 21, 2018, 04:12:36 pm »
Sorry about the size of my photos but hopefully they are clear.  Feel free to resize them and whatever. Thanks
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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #242 on: February 21, 2018, 10:16:04 pm »
Donkey Kong & Donkey Kong Jr. PCB's have a MAJOR difference that nobody seems to have mentioned yet(unless I missed it) - The edge connector in the top left hand corner of Donkey Kong comes right to the edge of the PCB.  On a DK Jr. PCB, the edge connector is recessed noticeably(approx 1/4").

In the Boomer's Board Swap video, the board that is initially shown in the cabinet is absolutely a DK Jr. PCB.  This can be definitively determined by the recess of the edge connector.  After the "swap", you can once again see the recessed edge connector.

Good catch. I noticed that the edge connectors looked different, but dismissed it because I had no way to confirm my findings other than poor quality pictures found online. I will add this to my list of visual differences between the two boards. Speaking of DK Junior...

Of all the nonsense team Billy has thrown up in the air, hoping something sticks, I would like to see them answer one very simple question. How did Billy Mitchell manage to break a Donkey Kong record while playing Donkey Kong Junior?

In a recent interview, Billy seemed to imply that he was framed, and considering the fact that the previous image is based on a single frame of video, he's right. Since he appears to have been largely responsible for the creation of the video, I guess the fact of the matter is... he framed himself.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2018, 01:30:48 am by Raven »


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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #243 on: February 22, 2018, 07:28:25 am »
I just found something interesting.

Todd Rogers and Morningdove Mahoney were the two referees present when Billy Mitchell's Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Junior records were allegedly achieved in 2010. The infamous board swap video also took place on that day. Further research suggests that Todd Rogers and Morningdove Mahoney were a couple, which is a huge conflict of interest, but it gets even more interesting.

Morningdove Mahoney is listed as card #3 of the Twin Galaxies "Superstars of 2011" video game trading card set and "Circus Card Collection". Note the following quote from the back of her card, where it states that she excelled at MAME gaming. Coincidence?

Morningdove A. Mahoney is a long-time competitor in the world of arcade coin-op. A traditional presence at the annual Funspot Classic Tournament in New Hampshire, Morningdove has been an avid gamer who has excelled in the world of arcade video and pinball as well as MAME and PC gaming. In addition to holding the PC record on Warblade and Frostbite Freddie, Morningdove holds 2nd place on Harley Davidson pinball and 3rd on Nightmare on Elm Street.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2018, 07:48:09 am by Raven »

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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #244 on: February 22, 2018, 07:09:29 pm »
I may have found an additional abnormality within one of Mitchell's tapes on YouTube. I decided to focus specifically on the flashing "1UP" that displays above the score at the top left corner of the screen.

I've found any recording that is running 30 FPS will display the 1UP for 8 frames and remove the 1UP for 8 frames fairly consistently. Between board transitions the frames will change the 1UP between 9 and 10 frames. To review this I used the frame advance in YouTube using the "," and "." Keys.

With that being said, the abnormality I am seeing is coming from his 1,050,200 tape.  This is at 1:48:07, Level 15, score 711,400. The barrel board transition to the pie factory.  During this board transition the 1UP stays displayed on the screen for a total of 25 frames.

I've reviewed the rest of the 1,050,200 tape along with the 1,047,200 tape. This is the only instance I have seen in either video of the 1UP being displayed that many frames.

I have also reviewed videos of other arcade DK gameplay to cross check and am seeing the 1UP with 8 frames off, 8 frames on (9 to 10 on board transitions) with the recording at 30 FPS.

Also, to ensure that abnormality in Mitchell's video wasn't some upload issue to YouTube I had reviewed the frames specifically for the pie factory boards. Starting the frame advance from the very first frame of any pie factory board will display Jumpman in 34 frames. 34 frames is also consistent in Mitchell's video for Jumpman to appear where the abnormality is as well.

If anyone has additional information on why this would occur or if I am mistaken on what I believe is occurring please chime in.
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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #245 on: February 22, 2018, 11:37:33 pm »
Billy Mitchell has contradicted himself about the presence of Pete Bouvier when he allegedly broke the records for Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Junior on the same day at Boomers Entertainment Center in Dania, Florida, on July 31 2010.

At the Big Bang International Video Game Hall of Fame event on August 7, 2010 Billy Mitchell said:

With all the fanfare that went on, there was a lot of hugs and kisses and hooting and hollering.

From Twin Galaxies, Pete [Bouvier] was on the phone, and Pete[Bouvier] was on his way over. So I thought this will be great, I'll introduce him to the manager and I really want Twin Galaxies to have a strong foothold in south Florida with a place that's really friendly and cooperative, just like other places like Funspot.

So Pete [Bouvier] was on his way there, so I turned and I said to the Twin Galaxies people there, and I said one more thing I gotta take care of. And I started a game of Donkey Kong Junior, and I thought it was neat because I think it would have been the first time Pete [Bouvier] would have seen a world record. Am I right? No.

So I played, and I guess I was about three quarters of the way through it before I said "Boy where's Pete [Bouvier]?" and then Todd [Rogers] said "Oh he's not going to be able to make it.".

So, that's the story about Pete [Bouvier].

During an Interview on the East Side Dave show on February 6, 2018 Billy Mitchell said:

So the distributor brought a game into Boomers. Ok. It was hooked up. The Boomers managers, two of them I think, were there. Their technician hooked it up. Rob [Childs], who's a well known technician, he was there, he hooked it up. Todd [Rogers], who would be arguably, if not the most famous console gaming players, he was there with his girlfriend [Morningdove Mahoney]. And Pete Bouvier, he was there with a family member.

So we have Twin Galaxies there, we have the gameplay, we have room coverage, and when I absolutely had the good fortune, and I got the score on Donkey Kong, and I turned around, one of the people shaking my hand, one of the people patting me on the back, ok, was Pete Bouvier, the owner of Twin Galaxies.

First, Pete Bouvier was not there, now suddenly he was. Which is it?

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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #246 on: February 23, 2018, 12:40:48 am »
First, Pete Bouvier was not there, now suddenly he was. Which is it?

Billy has more to say about this in the interview with Josh Houslander.

Quote from: Billy Mitchell
And it is true that Pete Bouvier had left. It is true that he wasn't there. And it is true that he wasn't there at the end and that I texted him, but that's what I did. Um, and it is true that when the time comes and we look at the room shot of what happened, Pete Bouvier will not have been in the scene, in the photo, at the end of Donkey Kong Junior. I mean, oh well, he wasn't.

The sum of all these stories seems to be that Pete was there during at least the end portion of Donkey Kong, but left and was not in attendance during Donkey Kong Junior. But then why would Billy say, only a week after the event:

I think it would have been the first time Pete [Bouvier] would have seen a world record.

If Pete had been in attendance for DK, there's no need for this comment. If Pete being in attendance was such an important part of the legitimacy of this event, then it seems Billy, in the 2010 clip, would have mentioned that Pete WAS there...instead of telling a story where he wasn't.

Something else that I missed on the first watch, around 8:20 in...Billy says the recordings at Boomers were "fun", "silly", "extras", and "to be used later for different promos." So...that might be their potential argument for the board swap and related videos. It was just extra silly fun!
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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #247 on: February 23, 2018, 02:58:09 am »
Billy has more to say about this in the interview with Josh Houslander.

I saw the Josh Houslander interview of Billy Mitchell, but find his statements during the East Side Dave Show interview to be the most telling because there was little time for Billy or his supporters to prepare for the onslaught. Simply put, Billy was clearly caught off guard, and the fact that his defense continues to morph to the ever-mounting evidence against him, only serves to incriminate him even more.

Admittedly, I haven't spent a lot of time analyzing the Josh Houslander interview, but doing a proper analysis takes a lot of time, especially when the interviews tend to be full of superfluous nonsense. To alleviate this problem, I've been cutting the interview videos into digestible bits and pieces.

Speaking of superfluous nonsense, have you seen the latest East Side Dave Show video about the Billy Mitchell scandal? It definitely NSFW, but otherwise defies explanation.

If Pete had been in attendance for DK, there's no need for this comment. If Pete being in attendance was such an important part of the legitimacy of this event, then it seems Billy, in the 2010 clip, would have mentioned that Pete WAS there...instead of telling a story where he wasn't.

No doubt, Billy Mitchell certainly seems to needlessly embellish his statements, which also happens to be a classic hallmark of deception. That, plus he seems to fidget a lot, which is often a subconscious sign of apprehension. He probably doesn't even know he's doing these things, but they're a dead giveaway. Then again, maybe he's beginning to wise up because the Josh Houslander interview of Billy is audio only.

With regard to legitimacy, I recall seeing a comparison of scores attained by Billy Mitchell in public events such as Kong-Offs, where he supposedly scored dead last in some of them. If true, this hardly lends credence to his credibility. If I can find the post about these scores again, it might be interesting to factor them into the overall analysis.

Something else that I missed on the first watch, around 8:20 in...Billy says the recordings at Boomers were "fun", "silly", "extras", and "to be used later for different promos." So...that might be their potential argument for the board swap and related videos. It was just extra silly fun!

The "joke defense" is not surprising, and anyone with children is quite familiar with it. It's just another way of trying to justify or minimize things. Billy and his supporters also seem to employ gaslighting and other techniques designed to create a diversion or distraction away from the facts. Frankly, I see it as a sign of desperation, but I never fall for it.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2018, 03:54:24 am by Raven »


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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #248 on: February 23, 2018, 04:49:49 am »
With regard to legitimacy, I recall seeing a comparison of scores attained by Billy Mitchell in public events such as Kong-Offs, where he supposedly scored dead last in some of them. If true, this hardly lends credence to his credibility. If I can find the post about these scores again, it might be interesting to factor them into the overall analysis.
I located the Kong-Off (public) scores list and decided to perform a quick analysis. Since I finally watched the King of Kong for the first time last night, I decided to compare the scores of Billy Mitchell to those of Steve Wiebe. For the comparison, I averaged their first three Kong-Off (public) scores, then calculated the percentage of their best claimed score.

Kong-Off Results:

Billy Mitchell - 1,062,800 (Best Claimed Score):

  821,200 (KO1)
  901,900 (KO2)
  598,800 (KO3)
2,321,900 / 3 = 773,967 (Average Score)

773,967 / 1,062,800 = .73 * 100 = 73% of best claimed score.

Steve Wiebe - 1,064,500 (Best Claimed Score):

   986,900 (KO1)
1,006,700 (KO2)
1,048,800 (KO3)
3,042,400 / 3 = 1,014,133 (Average Score)

1,014,133 / 1,064,500 = .95 * 100 = 95% of best claimed score.

Lastly, I compared their average Kong-Off (public) scores to each other. The numbers don't lie, Steve Wiebe appears to be a much better player than Billy Mitchell, who's average public score does not coincide with his best claimed score.

Billy Mitchell v/s Steve Wiebe:

773,967 / 1,014,133 = .76 * 100 = 76% of Steve Wiebe's average (KO1-KO3) scores.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2018, 06:12:44 am by Raven »

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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #249 on: February 23, 2018, 05:30:57 am »
No offense but I think analysing body language and past scores at the kong offs is a little silly. I'm not a pro at the game by any means my PB is 523,300 and I would say my average game doesn't go past 250,000. So I could keep track of my scores and average well below my PB. His recordings of the games in question speak for themselves they are mame, unless he can provide direct proof that they aren't then he cheated it's that cut and dry. Analysing anything else is just beating a dead horse.
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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #250 on: February 23, 2018, 06:10:34 am »
No offense but I think analysing body language and past scores at the kong offs is a little silly. I'm not a pro at the game by any means my PB is 523,300 and I would say my average game doesn't go past 250,000. So I could keep track of my scores and average well below my PB. His recordings of the games in question speak for themselves they are mame, unless he can provide direct proof that they aren't then he cheated it's that cut and dry. Analysing anything else is just beating a dead horse.

No offense taken, and much like you, I think certain things are silly, but you know what they say about opinions. Having a very strong background of technical experience to draw from, I find the MAME evidence to be somewhat convincing, but not overwhelmingly so. There are simply too many ways that the MAME evidence can be discredited, and many people don't appear to fully understand it.

Besides, if you want to catch a cheater, you have to understand why they cheat. More to the point, cheating is a form of lying, and proving that someone is a liar is anything but simple. You yourself said "unless he can provide direct proof", which leaves room for doubt. Personally, I like to be absolutely certain, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #251 on: February 23, 2018, 06:43:52 am »
There are simply too many ways that the MAME evidence can be discredited

I'd like to see some of these ways. If there are so many, could you please list a few.

I'd bet that the team of experts working on Billy's defence would love to see these many ways as well

I haven't seen any credible reasons to discredit Jry's evidence so far, but I'm all ears for new info
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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #252 on: February 23, 2018, 07:00:25 am »
Team of experts !?   The same company that cannot so much as look at their own scoreboard to see who scored what and when especially if a hollywood documentary is made! ..BWAAAHAAAAHAAAHAAAA!

 There is no tape and there are no "team of experts" either.  That's just a rouse to fool the moron public again. Just TG running damage control to hide their transgressions as usual.  There is no original Master Tape ( It was shit-canned immediately when all this started) so now there is forever plausible denyability in the form of ......"Gee............. if only they found that missing tape, that would set the record straight.but now we'll never know for sure".  I have seen this crap longer than anyone.
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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #253 on: February 23, 2018, 07:14:45 am »
I'd like to see some of these ways. If there are so many, could you please list a few.

As I said early on, I have not played Donkey Kong in more than 35 years, nor am I an expert in arcade hardware, so I will leave the gameplay and technical aspects of it for others to prove or disprove. However, being a former programmer and electronics technician, I know enough to know that a myriad of seemingly plausible explanations, either real or imagined, can be given to explain why Billy Mitchell's gameplay looks like MAME.

Ever hear the expression "can't see the forest for the trees"? Well, that's how many people seem to be about MAME, they are so focused on it that they seem to all but ignore everything else. Billy Mitchell certainly looks guilty, but appearances can be deceiving. Ask yourself this, if you were being accused of being a cheater, would you not want people to consider all available evidence?

This is a very complex situation, and no matter where the facts may lead, I continue to remain objective, and refuse to brand someone a cheater on the basis of a single piece of evidence.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2018, 07:19:03 am by Raven »

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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #254 on: February 23, 2018, 07:36:25 am »
Raven, before there was the board drawing evidence for MAME, people in the Donkey Kong community already were suspicious. There was evidence before all of this.  There was the board swap, and the super high risky play that would mean certain death for any other player. 
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