As far as classic gaming record holders, I feel like I may be the only one whose honest enough to admit they are a loser in life.
I am definitely bottom 20% material, maybe even lower, like 10%.
Now, don't get me wrong, most gaming champs are not losers in life. I consider the Donkey Kong champ, and the DKJr champ to be winners.
Steve Wiebe with his own house, wife, stable job, and kids is definitely not a loser despite what the KoK tried to portray him.
So yeah, as far as I can tell, I'm the only admitted Omega male in classic gaming. There are others that I won't mention who you could classify as a loser, but I am the only one who says, "Yeah, I'm a loser, the Omega male, the bottom of the totem pole, the passed over."
Cue, the Beck music.
And yeah I am a fail fish,