The Dragon's Lair challenge is the same as I've done for years but TG "best" gamers have yet to even com close.
5 man setting, "ANY" dip switch setting, any Cinematronics rom revision,any substitute LD player via conversing PCb as well as emulator is allowed
Game must only use 3 or 5 lives and end after completion of the first Dragon's Lair sequence Everything else is acceptable. Rom revisions A-F2, and disc player and emulator are allowed @k bounty on just 515k on the game let alone the bogus Twin Galaxy WR of 558k
Just think of the publicity if Silly Bitchell were to do this (LOL)
Disc player skipping according to TG officials is acceptable So if your using an original LD player feel free to bump and kick that player as it plays for extra points. LOL =)
2K bounty for anyone that beats 515k on the arcade cinematronics Dragons Lair KoK was based on bullshit and so is their Dragon's Lair arcade 558,xxx WR.
I will be expecting to pay out TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS SHORTLY!