Since you like analogies, suppose someone discovers a special technique to be able to achieve a 30 million point jump on EVERY single board of Zookeeper, over and over again. This might require a small increase in overall skill beyond other good players who are unable to score 30 million point jumps. Soon, this player is recording scores on this game in the BILLIONS of points. Is this player literally HUNDREDS OF TIMES better than a very good 10 million point player? No, clearly the difference in scores would not accurately reflect the difference in skill in this case. I think we have similar issues occuring with these 3 games in this thread -- so very subjective comparisons are naturally going to result.
Well there is a small problem with the analogy. I actually show my videos, and my technique is for everyone to see. If the skill level was that minimal for kill yourself off, and get the super spray from passing all the boards then it should be easy peesy for someone to look at one my videos and actually copy what I am doing to get a similar score. Hmm, but that didn't happen.
Most of the wide gap scores in games like Junior Pac-man, Super Pac-man, and so on are hidden submissions with the owners keeping what they do a well kept secret.
Also one more thing. If it really is so much easier to get the the Donkey Kong 3 high score, than how on earth did I pull off a 1,313,800 score on Donkey Kong Junior? Yeah, Junior is easier than Donkey Kong, but it still a relatively hard game. And if getting the Donkey Kong 3 record is so easy despite the extremely high score I should theoretically not even be close to the Donkey Kong Junior record score. And I could argue that I am more of a dodge, and shoot extremely accurately type of guy.
One last defense on how hard Donkey Kong 3 is.
1. Donkey Kong 3 has a timer that make it so you have to kill all the insects before time runs out or be killed. Easier to do on Easy, but much harder two settings up. How many shooter games actually have timers to give you a certain amount of time to kill your enemies? Hmm, not many. Not many at all. Off hand the only one I can really think of is Megamania, and River Raid for the Atari 2600. I am sure there are others.
2. Donkey Kong 3 has worms that will climb down to make it themselves an obstacle. They can not be killed when shot, and in fact they actually block your shots when trying to shoot at other insects. Again how many shooter games actually have objects that stay on the screen the entire level that can't be killed, and block your shots at other enemies. Again, I can't think of many.
3. Donkey Kong 3 has Donkey Kong that can not be eliminated in the round unless you have the Super Spray to spray him up all the way to the top, and will constantly throws barrels at you while constantly moving down the ropes to kill you. If you don't pay attention to him enough he will climb down, and kill you. Only way to stop him without the spray his to kill all the insects. Again how many shooter games have a boss that can not be killed, and is constantly throwing projectiles at you, and if you ignore them will drop down to the point where it's instant death? Again not many shooter games do that.
4. Donkey Kong 3 has no safe spots. This one is really important compared to the other two. Let's be honest, In Donkey Kong, and Donkey Kong Junior there are points in the game where a person can mentally check out. For Donkey Kong Junior it's the Point pressing on the Jungle Stage, and the Point Pressing on the Hideout stage. People constantly talk about how tiring both Donkey Kong, and Donkey Kong Junior is. Well it might be, but it is nowhere near as physically tiring as Donkey Kong 3. You constantly have to stay alert for this game when you're playing it. The game literally is a think game. Most of the top players play the game while standing up. I don't see that with Donkey Kong, or Donkey Kong Junior. Almost every single Donkey Kong, and Donkey Kong Junior player plays sitting down.
Lastly, to tell you the truth. I really don't know how hard my Donkey Kong 3 records are to beat. I actually do have some decent scores in other games console, and arcade/MAME, and I do know I take to DK3 like a duck to water. Does that influence how hard it is to beat my score? I would think so, but I am not 100 percent positive.