I think Scott is on the right track. It looks like all your configuration options are set correctly, so there's likely a problem with the romset itself.
Possible issues:
1) The zip archive itself is corrupted.
2) The zip archive is fine, but is missing some internal roms.
3) The zip archive is fine, has all the internal roms, but the internal roms themselves are incorrect/corrupted.
WolfMAME 0.172 seems to react differently depending on whether you run it from the basic GUI or from the command line. I purposely messed up my dkong romset and it wouldn't run from the GUI, but it would run from the command line.
So, try what Scott recommended and audit your roms, which I don't think you can do from the Wolf172 GUI. Point your command line to your WolfMAME folder and use the command:
mamearcade dkong -verifyroms
Depending on what's happening you'll get different results. If it's scenario 1 or 2, the audit will probably tell you the the romset is missing altogether. If it's scenario 3, the audit will probably tell you that a specific rom is bad. Regardless, you'll likely need to find a new dkong.zip.
Also, you don't need samples for WolfMAME 0.172. In fact, Donkey Kong doesn't need samples for any version of MAME after 0.115.
Finally, this error message:
While parsing .\mame.ini:
Illegal integer value for inpview: ""; reverting to
is standard unless you set the input viewer option in the mame.ini configuration file. You can ignore it.