I needed a 2nd DK PCB set that I could use at my electronics bench for testing DK Remix boards. I'm just using an old 15Khz RGB monitor so when I saw this board I jumped on it.
It's a TKG4-11-CPU. It's not the cleanest board, but it's the only one I saw that actually had all the extra components in the analog video section - the extra components to generate *non* inverted video.
Curiously, even though it has all the extra transistors, resistors and capacitors to generate non-inverted video, it is lacking the variable resistors to adjust the RGB levels. It's also lacking the variable resistor to set the amplified sound volume - but *does* have the components for audio amplification as well.
So.. I re-strapped the video to switch it to non-inverted RGB. Soldered in some resistors where the variable resistors are supposed to go, and boom.. non-inverted video!
Ok... but the video quality actually looks kinda crappy. There are strange dark smudges above some objects, and strange light smears of color inside some objects. The photo shows the dark smudges a bit but it was actually hard to get it to register in photos.
I suspect I'm going to have to adjust some capacitors or filtering.. More updates soon.
Does anyone know how uncommon it is for a TKG4 board set to come with the extra components for audio amp and non-inverted video?