Author Topic: Top DK Score Increases Over Time  (Read 9534 times)

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Top DK Score Increases Over Time
« on: September 12, 2015, 10:17:46 pm »
Just time progresses, and as scores get higher and higher, a certain point will be reached where the number of improvements by one or more players will approach 0 per month as improvements come far and few inbetween.

That stated, has anyone charted how many improvements to the Top xx scores have been verified/reported by month, perhaps for the past year or even since the inception of the DK Forum ?
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Re: Top DK Score Increases Over Time
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2015, 10:38:51 pm »
Just time progresses, and as scores get higher and higher, a certain point will be reached where the number of improvements by one or more players will approach 0 per month as improvements come far and few inbetween.

That stated, has anyone charted how many improvements to the Top xx scores have been verified/reported by month, perhaps for the past year or even since the inception of the DK Forum ?

This has not been specifically charted, but the data exists to do so. From about February 2014 through February 2015 Scott and I created once-a-week updates to the High Score List with separate "master" files for each week. These posts and files are in the moderator forum. Starting in March 2015 these updates became once-a-month. Even if a player bettered their score within a week or month, that data is still available in the update posts (but only the best score at the end of a week/month is preserved in the actual master files).

So, any and all score improvements dating back to February 2014 could be easily charted. Going back to the beginning of the High Score List (June/July 2013) would be a little harder since the process wasn't as streamlined as it is now. It would still be possible, I think.
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