I'm still running around like a chicken with it's head cut off getting every aspect of this project sorted out so there's no official way to get them yet, but the very very first boards have been built and some brave souls are on the short list to be the first adopters. The next set of boards will be built in a couple of weeks when I get parts and I ought to be more organized for getting those into people's hands.
I can add you to a list of people for the 2nd set and I'll send you a message when I'm getting organized.
There are two flavours of the board. DK Remix+DK Original or DK Remix+DK Deranged+DK Original.
Both add menu selectable options for things like high scores save and free play to all games.
It's going to be 80$ for DK Remix, 90$ for DK Remix/Deranged, plus whatever it's going to cost me to ship.
Deranged is like normal DK but internal difficulty does not plateau at L=05, the game keeps right on increasing in difficulty, things go faster, more than 5 fireballs will appear, etc.