I know I've been reporting too many of my Bubbles PBs (I really should wait till I hit milestones rather than make this an unbearable thread every time I improve my best by 1 point
), buuuuuuuuuuut, I did hit a pretty big milestone today.
I got two games over 200k in Bubbles. The first one was unrecorded, but the second one, my new pb of 221,080 was done on wolfmame .106 with input recording on, meaning that it is submissible to TG and would be good for 4th place on the MAME scoreboard
Now- will I submit this one, or will I wait a short bit to see if I can quickly take over the #3 spot (currently 362,280)? Decisions, decisions! I want to at least take a few days to see if I'm still wildly shooting upward in score or if 200k is going to be a plateau.
Playing on wolfmame .106 rather than the version I want to use is annoying, so I think I'll mostly play on MAMEUI64, especially when streaming, but if I'm getting closer to a milestone or a score I want to submit, I'll play some games on wolfmame106 until I hit my mark.
RE: Robotron, I'm still gunning for that million. I've been getting plenty of 700k+ games lately, which tells me that I might be close. Unfortunately, I've had too many games where I blow life after life and thousands of points on stupid stuff like killing the last enemy before grabbing points on the brain levels or getting myself trapped out of a successful herd pattern by Hulks in the grunt swarm levels.