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Offline ebinsugewa

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« on: December 25, 2014, 08:27:35 pm »
Badge hype <Allen>

Inspired by the 2015 goals thread I figured I would list some stuff I'd like to do and then hopefully follow up on my progress now that I have a thread to remind me about it.

The main goal is to have the 2P 1943 record. Mike SP and I reclaimed it after some folks at Galloping Ghost took it, so as of right now that's a success. There's lots of good shoot em up players at that arcade so I imagine we might have to defend it.

Donkey Kong was my first cab and what got me into classic gaming. However this was pre-DKF and I had no idea how to play the game. It frustrated me and I sold it. I've been attempting to atone ever since.

Donkey Kong
Goal: KS
Progress Goal: 200k
Status: Stop rushing and play as safe as possible.

Crazy Kong is a game I actually like more than DK. <Tudose> I just need to sit down one weekend and actually beat it.

Crazy Kong
Goal: KS
Status: ~200k

Robotron is my project game this year. I love me some Robotron. Luckily I have access to it in many places, so practicing should be easy. I would like to be able to marathon this game by the end of the year.

Goal: Marathon
Progress Goal: 500k/make it past wave 9 consistently
Progress: 300k

Twin Cobra is my favorite shmup (just listen to this music Kreygasm) and it loops, like most older games of this genre do. A clear is technically 5 stages, which is somewhat of a letdown since the game is so short. The 6th stage returns you a harder version of stage 1. I would like to make it through a full loop, which is 10 stages.

Twin Cobbas
Goal: Finish stage ten
Progress goal: Make it through stage 6 safely with some save stating
Progress: Beat stage 5

The last game I'd like to seriously play is Millipede. I'm working out a trade for a cabaret Centipede that I will install both boards into.

Goal: 500k
Progress goal: Get 250-300k consistently
Progress: 225k
« Last Edit: January 16, 2015, 01:08:39 am by ebinsugewa »
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« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2014, 11:13:29 pm »
I passed L4 springs first shot on a friend's cab tonight. I might have to practice less than I think for that. One of my DKO games I get to L4 springs with like 2-3 guys and just lose them all there because I wasn't prepared. That gives me some hope I can get 200-300k with a few serious attempts.
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« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2015, 01:08:04 am »
After DKO6 I can up the DK target score to 200k. I was trying to get there during the tournament but I just keep losing focus on the earlier boards and dying in stupid ways. I feel like if I have a no death to L=5 game I can get there easily, but I have to play safer and not rush so much. I've also been playing a lot of Robotron and have been getting better about staying put when necessary and waiting for an opening to move (especially on wave 9) instead of running around like a chicken with my head cut off <Allen> I also have to get around to verifying a separate 2P account to submit my TG score.
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« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2020, 10:55:02 pm »
Mega necro <gasp>

A lot of my gaming priorities have changed in 5 years (almost to the day). Updates:

DK sucks and I have no interest in playing it.

CK I'd like to KS sometime but no plans to even drop a credit any time soon.

I've gotten 600k in Robo with basically zero practice. I regularly make it past wave 9 with no deaths, which is cool. I am getting a cabaret soon so there should be some renewed interest in this.

Twin Cobra is a great game. Playing it without autofire isn't that fun, so I'll revisit it eventually but not soon.

Never got a Millipede cab (and don't even play the Centipede that I do have), so RIP.

New stuff:

A game I always hated, I grew to enjoy it somewhat after it was in some tournament recently. I have access to a cab, which is big. This is the most likely short-term goal to achieve as I'm basically right on the doorstep.
Goal: 1CC
Progress: Level 31

A game I've always liked but never owned until recently. Would like to slowly get better.
Goal: 1 mil
Progress: 500k

Neo Turf Masters
I've always liked this game but traditionally played it 2P vs. mostly. In a fun credit trying out new courses and a new character.. I proceeded to get two holes in one in the same game. I had never even gotten one before this occurrence. Since you get a big hole remaining bonus for this, I could have pretty easily 1CCed, but I had no practice and was absolutely not prepared to play 1P seriously, so I ended up using 2 credits. Need to put some savestate time into this one and I think it wouldn't be too impossible.
Goal: 1cc
Progress: 2cc

Yolo is coming up and I don't really tend to take tournaments super seriously, but will try to enjoy one new game. My early leader in the clubhouse for this spot is probably Battle Garegga, which I own on PS4 but have put next to no serious time into. I don't love the system of this game but owe it to see what the hype is about eventually.

Fuck Xevious btw.
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« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2020, 03:01:28 am »
Minor updates.

I beat Arkanoid finally. If you really like CRT scan on videos, you can watch it here:
Haven't played any 1942 or NTM at all. Played some Yolo but nothing really grabbed me. I might give Final Fight 1P another go, but that game is mean and frustrating so maybe not. I really like Bubbles but it's nigh uncontrollable on MAME so I didn't play it much.
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Offline TheSunshineFund

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« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2020, 09:12:40 am »
Nice work!  Why you no grabbing the warp pills?
In the summer that you came
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Offline Mitch Mitchell

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« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2020, 09:59:24 am »
Wow, huge props for beating Arkanoid; insane skills.
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« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2020, 09:17:57 pm »
Thanks Mitch and Wags. I honestly detested Arkanoid when I first started playing it for whatever tournament that it was most recently in. Level 3 in particular is just a huge spike in difficulty to overcome so early in the game when you're not experienced with how best to defeat it. That, among other difficult levels initially turned me off a lot from the game, and many others as well I'm sure. If I didn't have easy local access to the real hardware I probably would never have put any more time into it, so I am very fortunate in that respect.

Apologies for the incoming treatise, but my blog my rules <stirpot>:

I don't know how to articulate it, but Arkanoid is a really confoundingly designed game in a lot of ways, both well and poorly chosen.
- The difficulty curve is the main negative - there is a really inconsistent jump from level to level in depth of strategy needed that is unbelievably frustrating when you're starting out. The natural way to play the game is typically to try to finish it as quickly as possible, which is bad because it prevents you from maximum opportunities to get the extra life/level skip items.
- It's also natural to think that getting the ball up top and letting it work is the best idea. You stay safe as you can't miss hitting it if it's away from you, and you feel like you're making progress. But in an insidiously smart/incredibly infuriating design decision, the top of the playfield accelerates the speed of the ball more than if you'd just hit it normally down lower.
- In addition, hitting the ball at sharper angles also increases its speed moreso than the normal 30-45 degree incline. If you're a new player you'd likely never realize this (I didn't either, I had to be told by someone) and just assume that the game is too difficult for you and just quit trying to play it.
- Capsules are worth a huge amount of points relative to most of the rest of the game, and should be gotten all the time. Nowhere on the cabinet instruction sticker things does it mention this. Conventional powerup wisdom in a lot of other games means that there's usually a 'best' powerup and that you should try to avoid the others. Certain levels certainly require or heavily incentivize the catch/laser/split powerups in particular, but as long as it's not dangerous you should get every powerup you can regardless of whether it immediately helps you, simply because the points make earning extra lives easier. This is a very counter intuitive tactic.
- Level 3 is very hard, very early. It forces you to get out of your comfort zone, and hit sharper angled shots to succeed. In a sense this is a great thing to have the player learn early on, as ball control is vital for success. However it is certainly possible to hit normal-angled shots and get very lucky and clear this level without learning the intended lesson. You can also get bailed out by a lucky split powerup even if you're not targeting optimally. This lets you skate through on occasion, and blame all the other times you die on bad luck. When in fact it's been your fault the entire time, the game just doesn't do a good job of communicating that you'll have maximum success by hitting the ball as sharply-angled as possible.

I could go on for much longer, but this is a pretty good overview. Now that I 'know the rules', so to speak, I can really appreciate the thought and decisions required to do well in this game. It really gives a ton of depth to what could otherwise be a pretty shallow Breakout clone. I just wish those rules were a bit more natural to figure out on one's own.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2020, 09:25:08 pm by ebinsugewa »
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« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2020, 09:44:28 pm »

 But in an insidiously smart/incredibly infuriating design decision, the top of the playfield accelerates the speed of the ball more than if you'd just hit it normally down lower.

This happens in super breakout as well but is much more necessary to just deal with as with the Progressive variation you have to keep ahead of the playfield forming/pushing down.  Great game though.

Imagine if Arkanoid kept the SB dynamic of making your paddle smaller as well?  LOL.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2020, 09:47:58 pm by TheSunshineFund »
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Offline ebinsugewa

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« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2020, 12:02:15 am »
Funny you mention SB.

That was one of the first arcade machines I ever owned. I got rid of it cause I sucked at it. Would be nice to have it back now and try to give it a fair shake.
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« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2020, 08:37:52 am »
Funny you mention SB.

That was one of the first arcade machines I ever owned. I got rid of it cause I sucked at it. Would be nice to have it back now and try to give it a fair shake.

Oh def, you should get back into it.  It's tougher than Arkanoid (at least progressive mode is) so it should be a good challenge.
In the summer that you came
There was something eating everyone
And the sunshine fund was low
We couldn't greet you with a simple hello
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