Curious why this is called "MAME Olympics" at all, to be honest. Most of us will be playing MAME, most of the time, but it seems that the point is to compete at the games, with the platform not being particularly meaningful. (Not like a MARP tourney or RU tourney for example, where MAME is integral to the competition.)
Maybe if it were renamed "Arcade Olympics" we'd all be more comfortable.
As for the concern here with cab advantages, I think it balances out. And how many people actually have the games where owning a cab is advantageous? Maybe a few Trons out there, but I wonder if anyone has the driving games.
Yeah, seems like a pretty casual approach in general. I like the ease of it, the idea seems to be to get people playing the games and if it's too difficult less people will want to play. Cab, mame, which version of mame, who cares, just play some games and have some fun. These competitions are great!
Nope its all good and I agree just wanted to clarify.
- Actually some people have access to cabs no problem while others dont while everyone has access to mame so there is a slight difference here but hey I want everyone to play too so
Its ok there is a flipper mccoys about 45 minutes from my work I'll see if they have any of these driving games and if they are set to the settings here. I do think they have an Outrun so hell ill zoom out there and get an Outrun score and just take a photo. Is that cool that we at least have photos for the arcade cabs?