Quick bit about myself. I have a dedicated Donkey Kong machine. Well, DK Jr. with a Donkey Kong PCB. I have a personal high score of 190,000. Set that probably 2 years ago (time is a funny thing, no?). I have been slacking on playing Donkey Kong since then. Just finding it awfully difficult to get motivated. That changed last night when I decided to listen to music while playing. Made the entire experience much more enjoyable.
So I wound up not beating my personal best. However, my last two games were above 100,000. Not great, but early in the night I had been averaging like 60,000. More than that though it was fun playing again and I actually look forward to playing some Donkey Kong again tonight. I'm pretty confident I can hit 200K by Thanksgiving. I know that isn't much, but I'm tired of seeing that top score of mine.