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Re: Mr. Donkey Blog
« Reply #120 on: August 27, 2015, 08:32:24 pm »
Hahaha wow that is pretty fun. Impossible to get to the top hammer
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Re: Mr. Donkey Blog
« Reply #121 on: September 02, 2015, 12:59:13 pm »
Some stats and thinking from my play during the Race to 1 Million event!


Total coins dropped: 105 (76 arcade; 29 MAME)
Total games aborted: 83 (68 pre-5-1; 15 5-1+)
Total games played to completion: 22 (16 arcade; 6 MAME) --NOTE: in at least half a dozen of these "complete" games, I was on my last man so early that I carelessly goofed off with it, so they could arguably be put into the "aborted" category. It's possible I really only played 15 or so games all the way out.--

Best scores (400K or better):
2015/08/13   605,000   14-5
2015/08/16   524,400   12-6
2015/08/12   496,600   12-4
2015/08/31   482,100   12-1
2015/08/25   467,900   11-6
2015/08/31   442,600   11-3
2015/08/31   434,700   11-1 (MAME)
2015/08/31   434,600   11-3
2015/08/15   405,100   10-3

Total contest days: 23 (8/9 through 8/31)
Number of days with at least one coin-drop: 14 (did not play on 9 of the 23 days)
Total gameplay time: 35 hours (Total recording time was 36 hours, 38 minutes, but I played the "difficulty 30" hack during one of those streams for 1 hour and 10 minutes, and I'll round it down another half hour or so for yammering between/after games.
Average gameplay time per contest day: (35 hours divided by 23 days) 1.52 hours
MAME savestate practice time: only 2-3 hours over the length of the contest


Some might laugh at these stats, and how diligent I was about keeping them. Heck, I'm laughing too.

However, I DID spend 35 hours actually playing the game. So spending a little extra time to ensure data points were collected will help me spend the NEXT 35 hours playing smarter, not harder. And crunching stats/numbers is part of the fun. :)

First of all, my ability to maintain pace looks fine. Every game that went past 400K was pretty much where I needed to be, with a few exceptions, such as my highest-scoring game (the 605K) which was probably about 10K below pace. That was a relatively early game though, and my efficiency improved dramatically as the event went on and I got sharper. Efficiency fades quickly when falling out of practice, and might be the last thing to come back!

One issue that these stats show that I clearly need to do something about is abandoning games early. Seeing that I aborted 83 out of 105 coins (68 of those before Level 5) is pretty eye-opening. I need to either keep going despite early deaths, or find some way to make myself care more and play better during the early levels. I'm burning a staggering amount of time just trying to get a game started.

It has long been true for me that I flat-out do not enjoy playing Donkey Kong until Level 9 or so. I find levels 1 through 6 or so almost intolerably tedious, and the dragon I'm chasing is the "high" that begins to set in about one hour deep, when I'm on the open highway, things are flowing smoothly from one board to the next, and that feeling of trepidation and stultifying apathy that characterizes the early game fades into an excited, hungry, dizzy, confident aggression.

So, if I find the first 25 boards or so "intolerably tedious" (I do) and only start enjoying myself later, but I'm spending over 80% of my coin-drops trying, and failing, to get through those first 25 boards, then it's no wonder I've been semi-retired from DK for almost four years! I think, for a while, I just need to experiment with forbidding myself from restarting, even if I get murder-barreled on L3.


I was playing poorly for much of this contest. Having said that, on games when I WAS playing well, my luck would turn, suddenly and brutally, right around the halfway point. It happened again and again. The 524,400 game, in particular, was stolen from me by screwings on a pie factory and rivets, and a semi-screwing where a barrel board fireball climbed as the hammer was expiring (I had exactly one smash to get it, but on the last swing turned away to reposition myself). The expiring-hammer-fireball-climb is my nemesis, and it bedeviled me throughout the contest.

To sum up, it was a whole lot of early-game shitty play, but then, when I survived long enough to actually get one going, mid-game shitty luck.

Without a doubt though, I am better at the game than I was when the event started. And I am finally getting used to what a full-length two-hammer game actually feels like.

We'll see if I can make this happen during the next DKO.

4 Quarters :-* - 800K Avg. Per Qtr. :o - No Restarts 8) - No Proof :'(

7/26/2013   Coin 35,946   710,800   18-1
7/28/2013   Coin 35,947   903,700   22-1
8/16/2013   Coin 35,948   694,100   17-6
8/17/2013   Coin 35,949   893,100   22-1

3,201,700: the $1 World Record?
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Re: Mr. Donkey Blog
« Reply #122 on: September 02, 2015, 04:33:08 pm »
Wow nice stats Chris! I like that kind of stuff lol.
Eric Tessler

DK personal best arcade: 966,000 (kill screen, 133 minutes)
DK arcade, KO 2: 900,500 (kill screen, 113 minutes)
DK arcade no hammer: 369,000
Crazy Kong arcade kill screen: 562,000
DK 3 arcade: hard: 1,111,600; easy: 1,640,000
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Re: Mr. Donkey Blog
« Reply #123 on: September 05, 2015, 01:16:10 pm »
Hey Chris,

It's great that you are starting to get back into playing again here and there and it would be fun if you continue to document your own personal "million point march" here in blog form as you make progress.

Here are some thoughts for you regarding playing out more games.

First, if your scoring goal is just to cross 1M and you feel like that represents something less than your current max score, then realize that you do have some wiggle room and can consciously "dump" some points here and there strategically in an effort to improve your percentage of "good" games (move towards less risk on the risk/reward scale in some predetermined ways).

Next, try to make the "start" part of the fun for you mentally -- break it down into mini-thresholds for each level and see how you are doing, do little things like counting your jumps on 2-2 while you leach the fireball -- try to get to 30 jumps before 3000 on the Timer and see how you are doing when the timer reaches 3000 -- try to get to 60 jumps before finishing the screen (which would yield 7500+ points), etc.  These little invented "mini-games" are a way to trick your mind out of the numb monotony of early restarts.

At the same time, create a strategy of less risk on early boards if you really want to restart games less often -- but I would not recommend going to the extreme of just running boards for a 90,000 point start.  Achieving a "good" start can put you in a very positive mental state leading into Level 5+ because you feel like you are already ahead of pace and now you don't need to make up ground or take unnecessary risks later in the game -- you will feel like you can coast and make safer decisions which will enable you to have a better shot at finishing.

For players shooting for 1M who want a higher percentage of successful but decent starts, I would recommend the following:

1-1:  Use a simple and safe two hammer strategy with no crazy 1-1 shenanigans and shoot for 7500 to 8000 points.

2-1:  NO HAMMER on this one.  Trust me, you'll thank me later.

2-2:  DO go through the full leaching process, especially early in your session.  Shoot for 7500.

3-1:  On this one, if possible (if the fireball stays down), I would recommend a delayed bottom hammer strategy.  Once you are used to playing this screen for a bit, avoiding the wild barrels will be easier if you are located on the 2nd girder than if you are on the 4th or 5th girder.  The idea here is that if you can delay your hammer grab AND get a "good" bottom hammer (9 or 10 smashes), and take your time climbing up through the transition, you can sometimes approach the top hammer after the internal difficulty has switched over to Level 5 (eliminating the wild barrel risk while trying to grab the top hammer).  If you have a lot of smashes with the bottom hammer, this internal difficulty switch will occur with approximately 3500 remaining on the timer.  If you have less smashes it will be more like 3200.  If you have to, stand in the (somewhat) safe area between the two left side ladders on the 4th girder and literally just steer barrels away from you for several ticks until the timer gets under these thresholds before proceeding up for the top hammer.  Not dying on this screen is more important than points scored.

3-2:  I highly recommend NEVER taking the free pass here.  This screen is just too easy and the potential for increased points by grabbing the bottom hammer on this particular pie factory (with the slower timer) is just to great to pass up imo, and this will get you more in the flow for playing out future pie factory screens later in the game.

3-3:  DO go for all 3 prizes.  Optionally do NOT bother with leeching on this screen.

4-1 and 4-3:  This is definitely a spot where you SHOULD take the bottom hammer.  The strategy here is that by the time your bottom hammer has run out, you should pretty much already be at internal difficulty Level 5, making the top section of the screen much safer.  With a decent (9 or 10 smashes) bottom hammer the switch should occur in the 5800 - 6000 range on the timer -- with a particularly poor bottom hammer it might occur as late as 5500.

4-4:  In my opinion, it will be a mistake to skip the first two prizes on any elevator screen.  These easy points will help you maintain proper pace.

(Example:  16,000 -- 38,000 -- 71,000 -- 115,000)

With these tactics, shoot for a starting score in the range of 115,000 - 120,000+.  I would build pace charts beginning with 115,000.  In my experience, being somewhat "ahead" of pace early in the game will help you to relax later in the game and can be a nice cushion when dealing with fatigue late in the game.

Notes:  NO grouping at all on barrel screens for Levels 1 - 4.  For a 1M score, it should be mostly unnecessary to do grouping on Level 5+ as well, although I will often use a "minimal grouping" strategy while I am waiting for a better setup for my top hammer.  Do not neglect top hammer efficiency -- if you go through the trouble to almost always get yourself 7 - 8 smashes with the top hammer (without taking any crazy risks to do so), your scoring efficiency will pretty much automatically put you over 1M pace without having to worry about any grouping.

Regarding early deaths:  I DO recommend playing out games if you die once on either Level 3 or Level 4 IF you can determine that you scored a reasonable amount of points with your lost man AND you were ahead your own personal benchmarks for the early levels.

Good luck!
Donkey Kong:  1,206,800  Kill Screen
Donkey Kong:  898,600     16-5
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Re: Mr. Donkey Blog
« Reply #124 on: September 27, 2015, 10:43:21 am »
Hi ChrisP and all,

I had a silly idea. I don't know if anyone's done this before so feel free to discard it.

In a lot of games where the speed progresses, it's always nice to play at just that point where you are at your limit of decision assessment and reaction time.   When you're playing at your breaking limit, you eventually get the hang of it and then next time your limit is a bit higher.

Some games, that next speed increase is too much and you hit a wall and get stuck.

In other cases, sometimes it helps to just practice in slow motion, where you have extra time to process all the things that are happening on the screen, and then they become second nature/automatic that they can be coped with at their full speed.

I made up a few MAME cheats for Donkey Kong.

Slow down 25%, Slow down 12%, Speed up 12%, Speed up 25%.

The game still runs exactly the same..  all these do is make the game occasionally run two frames per video frame, or one frame per two video frames.   In effect it's just a simple time stretch or time compression - to practice with more time to make decisions, or cranking it up to improve reflexes..   That was the idea anyway.

Code: [Select]
  <cheat desc="Slowdown 25%">
    <script state="run">

Code: [Select]
  <cheat desc="Slowdown 12%">
    <script state="run">

Code: [Select]
  <cheat desc="Speedup 12%">
    <script state="run">

Code: [Select]
  <cheat desc="Speedup 25%">
    <script state="run">

edit: MAME cheats are new to me and these seem to stay active even if you turn them back off..?  Not sure how to make them properly turn back off short of a restart.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2015, 10:59:42 am by Sock Master »
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