I'm not a ko1'er, but I'm glad to hear how everyone is doing. As for myself, I've really lost interest since ko3. I've tried to get a fire back, but just can't. I still want to play, but when I sit down to start, I stop after a few restarts. I've gotten more involved in other things like playing with my kids, spending time with Jessi, restoring and buying a few more arcade machines. Now I've gotten into pinball a little. I'm trying to start up another business, and build an addition onto the house. Life is too busy. Before, I was always this busy, but the fire over-rode the busy life, and I made time to play, and put everything else to the side. I now realize that's not good, especially when it comes to time with my kids. I know I'm not done playing though. Every time I've played since ko3, it's been at a pace of over 1.1 for the most part. I still want to hit that goal. I've taken this game a lot further than I ever thought I could. I remember just starting to play it 3 years ago, and my buddy Dana joked how someday I'll hit a million, and break the record, and be in kong off. I laughed at that notion of his, as at the time I was barely hitting 100k, but loved it. Kong has made me many new friends that I want to remain in contact with. I was very disappointed to have kong off move to NJ, although I understand the reasoning. Nothing negative towards NJ, but it's a lot more cost efficient for me to go to Denver. I don't fly, I'm a chicken, so it's a long drive now too. Depending on Ko4 setup, I still want to go, but it will be more difficult now. Mainly I want to see all of the people I have befriended, and enjoy spending time with. Kong has provided me much more than ever expected, and I hope it continues to keep us all in touch throughout our lives. This is a great hobby, game, and community.