It appears some of the shoutbox conversation about PSP's recent facebook post made it to trollville and as a consequence I think I have to clarify and even revisit my feelings on KO3 and the importance of all the players.
First of all, anything I say unless I specifically point out its TG's OFFICIAL position is simply my PERSONAL opinion/position. I have no power at TG to make decisions about the KO and really have limited information past what I need to do to get the AV setup and make sure we get the best coverage we can get to the world of the KO.
Next I know I said that Steve and Billy are all that matter. Thats not really true. You cannot JUST have Steve and Billy. The competition is clearly important. Having quality competition is important as well, you cannot just fill the competition with 250k players and call it the 'championships'. Not every championship has the worlds best players, there are times when the best in the world do not wish to show up, cannot show up or are banned from showing up for one reason or another. This happens in Chess, Tetris, Wrestling, NASCAR.... This is where I am coming from when I say XXX or YYY dont matter if they show up or not.
I want every player that can come to come, MAME or Arcade background. I believe the organizers feel the same, this is why there are mechanisms in place to allow any gamer in the world to get into and possible win the competition. They may not have the same advantages as they players that have proven themselves on the arcade platform but they are definitely not being left out.
Lastly, if in my rant I offended anyone I am sorry. I get a little worked up sometimes *unless its Brian Allen*