I recently received a copy of what I believe to be Tim's first 1M game. According to Tim's commentary at the end of the game, this was done on December 31, 2008. This was restreamed years ago on Dwayne Richard's Justin.tv channel, but that restream was very low quality and the archive was lost.
From what I can tell, this is the earliest full DK game where all levels were at least 49,000. In fact, it's the first to have all levels be at least 48,800-49,200. Wiebe's 1.049M was the first to have at least all 48,700 levels and Hank's 1.061M was the first to have at least all 49,300 levels. This game also set the barrel average record at 10,371. It passed the mark of 10,341 set in Wiebe's 1.049M and was passed in Dean's 1.026M which had an average of 10,575.
Tim also says in the commentary that this was done on "US Set 2" roms, but I doubt that's the case (see title screen). And since the history of early DK 1M scores is convoluted as all fk, I'll just say that I think this makes Tim the second player will reliable video evidence of a 1M game.
This is an important game in the history of DK, so I'm glad it could be preserved and shared with the world. Thank you to Ben Falls (and by extension, Dwayne Richard) for making this possible!