Need some help...
I can no longer submit anything to TG due to some unknown bug that just came up. I have been trying to upload a 2,000,000 point game of Metal Slug to the IGBY tourney site but no matter what I do every time I try it hangs up after I hit submit and the upload never completes. I have tried different internet, rebooting, different browsers, renaming the files, you name it. The submit icon just goes round and round and never finishes. It's not that big a file either.
All my past uploads worked no problem until around 2am last night and ever since nothing goes through. Clearly other submissions are working since then so I don't know what to do. It feels like something is wrong with the site or my account at this point after eliminating everything on my end I could think of.
Pretty bummed because this score was a pain to get and then it won't submit. I've got some serious gremlins and then some. already PM's Wes Copeland but it's too soon to hear back yet. I also have 24 hours to submit to avoid the sandbagging rule.
Any ideas?