Author Topic: Circus Charlie Strategy Guide  (Read 10895 times)

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Circus Charlie Strategy Guide
« on: March 02, 2014, 04:40:26 pm »
Circus Charlie Guide

I can’t max this game and I don’t play it often but I’m decent, so here’s a guide….
This game is about 3 things:  the tricks/easter eggs, the patterns and the order of execution of the boards.
I play the screens in the following order:
1.   Lions (all of them back to back until there are no more lion screens left)
2.   Monkeys (all, etc)
3.   Balls (all, etc)
4.   Horse/Trampolines (all, etc)
5.   Knives (1st 3 screens, would be all but I don’t remember how to play past the 3rd one)
6.   Ropes (all, etc)
Trick:  If you save the knives for late in your game and grab all the money on the screen during a knife board, you are awarded a shit ton more points than if you played that screen early in your game.  Not sure if it is because of the # of boards played or if it is because your score is therefore pretty high by the time you play it.   This is like a 20 or 30k bonus!  Huge.
Trick:  When you start the board, before you do anything, hold left and press jump quickly 4 times.  An extra man will float by rather than a flaming hoop at some point.  You can do this on all the lion screens and is CRUCIAL for banking up a ton of free guys right from the start.
Trick:   You can make a coin appear by back jumping a flaming pot (changes every board so keep trying this till you force the coin to appear) and then jumping forward over the same pot.  A coin will pop up from the pot.  This usually coincides with a flaming hoop in your direction though so forward jump a pot, wait until a hoop then comes nearby, back jump the same pot and then you can time your jump to grab the coin and move forward over the pot to also include jumping through the next hoop all at the same time.  Only one coin appears per lion screen.
These screens are pretty straightforward and the 2nd, 3rd, etc versions of these screens don’t get too much tougher.
Trick:  A HUGE leeching spot occurs at the end of every lion board.  At the end of the screen there are 2 flaming pots then the final platform to jump on.  Jump the next to last pot but don’t jump the last one to finish the screen.  Back jump the same pot and jump forward over it again (the next to last pot).  This is 500 points per flaming pot jump so you can rack up a lot of points by continually doing this as the timer ticks down.  Eventually more hoops will come, a few of these will be money hoops which only add to the leeching awesomeness.  Finish the screen with as few seconds on the timer as possible after leeching the 2nd to last flaming pot as much as possible.

You can basically just hold right constantly and breeze through the first few screens of these.  Eventually they get a little tougher and you have to pause more, wait, jump straight up over some monkeys, time the purple ones more, etc.  They are all patterned so this just takes recognition over time to not lose men throughout all the monkey screens.
Trick:  At the end of every screen there is a platform to jump onto.  Rather than jumping onto the platform, wait near it, make sure no monkeys are coming and run towards the ring that hangs off of it.  Once you touch it, it will trigger a money bag to appear on the platform and you can jump straight up onto the platform at that point.

No tricks here, very boring screen.  Make sure you take advantage of the ability to move backwards and remember that jumping over a ball onto another yields more points, but it’s pretty minimal so just play all of these in a row and don’t die.

This screen can yield you big points if you know how to play it well.  Basically what I try to do is hold left to go very slow and try to hit the 1st platforms as far left (early) as possible, then slam the controller right once I land on the first platform to speed up and hit the next one(s) for big points.  This takes a lot of practice to get down.  On some of the later horse stages I will just ride under or jump over the very dangerous platforms to make sure I don’t lose men on these stages.  Just remember, slow, then fast while you are in mid air to hit the big point platforms.  Learn to control the speed well and don’t be afraid to just skip certain dangerous platforms.  Don’t forget to jump onto the final platform at the end.

I only remember how to do the 1st 3 of these and they are pretty easy to pattern.  Mostly you can see when to progress through these by timing the projectiles.  On the first screen, I grab all the money bags since they are easy to get and like I mentioned earlier, if you saved this screen this far into the game and you probably have like 300k+ in points by now or something, you will get about 20-30k at the end of the level by grabbing all the money bags. 
After the 2nd knives board you will get automatically routed to a dolphin stage.  Basically, you can do a one jump up wait, then move forward through this, unless you get a double dolphin pair come at you.  Luckily you will be able to see this ahead of time and when you do, simply pause for one more jump up (2 total), they will go under you and you can move forward.

Easily the toughest screen(s) in the game.  Use patience!!!  Swing back and forth to gain momentum (joystick left then right in sync with the actual movement of the rope).  Try to time your jumps to where the next rope you want to move to is either level with you or slightly above you.  NEVER BELOW YOU.  That’s death, you’ll go right through it.  The hardest part of this screen can actually be landing on the final platform.  These screens take a ton of practice.

That should get you going and probably get you to close to 500k or so after some practice.  Good luck.
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Re: Circus Charlie Strategy Guide
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2014, 04:47:41 pm »
Love Circus Charlie.  Love strategy guides.  Love it.

[EDIT] Oh, and just a word to the wise: be careful how much time you spend continuously playing Circus Charlie, as the constantly moving foreground can cause temporary vision and/or balance problems.  Not even kidding, but this only happened to me once, and after playing the horse board over and over again for an hour plus.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 05:01:23 pm by VON »
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Re: Circus Charlie Strategy Guide
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2014, 10:38:09 pm »
The key level for big scoring in this game has to be the ropes. If you manage to make a long jump (this is the difficult part) where you pass the next rope and land directly on the trampoline ahead you'll often fetch 5000 points (sometimes 2000 p). When you catch the rope, just wait until the rope goes to the left and release to jump back on the same trampoline. Catch the rope again and etc. Gives you 5000 * 7. However, your man release the rope after doing this 7 times and you die. If you can avoid this by going further in the game after jump 6 and repeat this until the end I do not know. If it is and you are good jumper you will get a couple of 100k:s I guess.

Try this from rope 2 (doing the jump from rope 1 is not possible)

Why am I not trying this for myself? Bored of the game and the long jump is extremely risky.

Edit: Seems that how long the guy hangs on the rope does not have to do anything about catch and release on the same rope. Just "hang time". Sometimes I can only do the strategy above 6 times before dying.. Does anyone know the secret for this?
« Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 10:46:54 pm by dimmu--borgir »
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Re: Circus Charlie Strategy Guide
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2014, 11:15:33 pm »
I play the screens in the following order:
1.   Lions (all of them back to back until there are no more lion screens left)
Note that not all versions of the game let you select the order.  Some versions make you play all screens of a given level before going to the next level.  Overall this is probably a better game design than the version that lets you do things in whatever order you want.

And thanks for the tips Steve!  I didn't know a couple of those secret tricks!

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Re: Circus Charlie Strategy Guide
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2014, 12:01:09 pm »
I love this game too, played it heaps as a kid.
I do clearly remembering atlest one of the machines I played actually had on the machine info about getting free lives on the lion stage and about the coin on the lion stage, in not sure if this was everywhere or just here. So I've never thought of these as tricks and have always assumed everybody knew them.
I've never finished it either although it is a goal.
My strategy for the levels is I do 2 of the horse riding levels then the lion stages then the tightrope then the first bouncy level after that I'm just trying not to die.

I have also heard that after 900k you get a free man every 10k?
I'm not sure if this is true but I'll have to get there one day and try.
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Re: Circus Charlie Strategy Guide
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2014, 01:25:17 pm »
I have also heard that after 900k you get a free man every 10k?
I'm not sure if this is true but I'll have to get there one day and try.

The game rewards you with free lives for every single point so not just every 10K. Starting from 930K until 955, then it stops until it starts again at 980K til the counter freezes at 999.990.

The game is really challenging but sadly the score counter freezes which is the only downside imo.

It even has a killscreen so it would be great to go for the highest points until the killscreen with just 3-5 lives but sadly no rollover :(

Oh well I still plan to reach 999.990 without dying on the hardest settings and with only 2-3 stages  ;D

The key level for big scoring in this game has to be the ropes.

Not really the horse hurdles reward you with much more points than ropes ever could. Even the lions gives more points if played right. The key for big scoring is like usual practice.

You can even do backjumps on the purple monkeys that also rewards you with 5000 points each time but still nothing can beat maxed out horse hurdles which are around 573K if all went perfect.
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Re: Circus Charlie Strategy Guide
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2014, 01:42:55 pm »

Oh well I still plan to reach 999.990 without dying on the hardest settings and with only 2-3 stages  ;D

Damn.  That's awesome!  U should write the strat guide! Kreygasm

It's a great platformer IMO.  Underrated.  One day I'll get around to getting back into it and complete the max out.  I say that about a lot of shit though.   <Pigger>
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Re: Circus Charlie Strategy Guide
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2014, 02:05:46 pm »
Fully agree with you Circus Charlie is quite underrated. Dunno why it's a great game with lots of challening events such as horse hurdles and ropes.

The horse hurdles are super advanced stuff on hardest settings at least for maxed out points without losing a life. Every jump must be super accurate or you will lose a lot of points.

If you are close to 500K it should be not that hard to max out with a bit more practice.
You just need to higher your scores per stage.

Lets say 400K for horse hurdles, 200K for lions and then just 300K for the rest of the events before you need to go on the ropes again. Around 500K is not a beginner score anymore so you should be able to score a lot higher with a bit more practice.

If someone needs help I can provide vids or inputs of maxed out events if needed cause I think a input is better than 1000 words especially 1000 words from me with my awful english  ROFL
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Re: Circus Charlie Strategy Guide
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2014, 03:10:48 pm »
I just remembered I think you get a free man for back jumping through a fire hoop on the lion stage aswell, I'll check it when I get home
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Re: Circus Charlie Strategy Guide
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2014, 04:04:37 pm »
I just remembered I think you get a free man for back jumping through a fire hoop on the lion stage aswell, I'll check it when I get home

Yer.  It's either that or you do what I suggested.  Both yield free men on the lion stage but you can only choose one method for once you do, the other won't work.  But choose wisely....when it was in the Funspot tourney a few years back Dwayne chose your method and was losing more guys than he was earning per lion stage.  It's a lot tougher.
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