Author Topic: How to eliminate slight wave (retrace lines) across monitor in DK game?  (Read 4130 times)

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Hey guys...finally got my Donkey Kong today and love it?  One thing...there's a slight wave that happens over the monitor ever so's no big deal, doesn't distract from the game, but you can tell when it happens.  Any way to permanently get rid of these retrace lines, or is it just something that happens to an old game? coming!


Offline Scoundrl

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Re: How to eliminate slight wave (retrace lines) across monitor in DK game?
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2013, 05:38:05 pm »
Usually the 'wave' and the retrace lines are seperate issues. The 'wave' is usually power related. some times its as easy as cleaning fuse holders sometimes requires replaceing the large 'fliter cap' on the monitors PCB.

The retrace lines are usually because the brightness is set to high. There are 3 places to adjust brightness on DK monitors. To remove the retrace lines I suggest doing it on the one on the flyback transformer. It will be one of the two white adjusters on the far right side of the back of the monitor. They will be labled 'focus' and 'screen' Screen is the brightness you want.

Good luck
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Re: How to eliminate slight wave (retrace lines) across monitor in DK game?
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2013, 06:09:31 pm »
Thanks.  It's not that bad and doesn't bother me too much, but will try and get if fixed eventually.  Are either of those two things easy to do/try?  I'm not that handy, if you know what I mean.