- Candlepin Bowling hosted by Ebinsugewa (no prizes other than sore muscles you were unaware you possessed)
- Craft Beer Drinking hosted by TSF (no prizes other than your loss of dignity and decision making)
- The Annual Will Jason Cram Actually Lose? Skeeball Challenge hosted by Dave Nelson (with actual cool prizes)
- External Dinners decided by Mrs. TSF and Jenn Nelson
- Galaga '88 1cc attempts (various people) with lessons and general mockery/ball busting by The_Pro
- Extremely audible Armored Car gameplay hosted by MSP
- After hours swimming and free fountain drinks courtesy of The Fireside Inn
- Bally Sente Trivial Pursuit 1cc attempts hosted by TSF, Ebinsugewa and Baron Von Right Often
- Uncomfortable conversations hosted by Wolfman42069
Recap: candlepin was bowled
beer was drunk
jason did actually lose!!!!
external dinners happened at new locations!!!!!!! which if you know the area around funspot is actually a big suprise
galaga busted
i played 0.0 credits of trivial pursuit, which is one of my biggest regrets of the trip
no wolfman. ftt