Author Topic: The Twin Galaxies new pricing policy, and how it relates to me, and Kong  (Read 19240 times)

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Offline John73

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It's a great idea, but in all honesty for TG to take any note and change their policy, it would require a new DK Arcade record to be set and then not submitted to TG.

I'd be more interested to hear comments from Richie or Jourdan before worrying about this too much, surely they're keeping an eye on the various forums and are already well aware of how unpopular this decision is, there is a chance they will still change their minds.... i hope they change their minds. 

My gut feeling is that if they don't change plans, and quickly, something else will pop up and it will be only a matter of time before that entity trots off to Gunniess with the support of the community and that really will be the end of TG as we know it.
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I am in the process of making the list now. I will be giving credit for the source of the information and including a plug for TG in case there is any problems with the new unofficial, community verified donkey kong score list.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2013, 02:24:21 pm by corey.chambers »

Offline stella_blue

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I'd be more interested to hear comments from Richie or Jourdan before worrying about this too much, surely they're keeping an eye on the various forums and are already well aware of how unpopular this decision is, there is a chance they will still change their minds.... i hope they change their minds. 

I agree.  It's only been 3 days since TG's initial announcement.  Let's give them the opportunity to absorb and respond to feedback from the community, before we run off and form our own country.

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I hope they change their minds too but whatever their change in policy we now have a list on the forum that people can use for fun, in an unofficial way. I made sure to word things well to explain its function.

Offline ChrisP

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An "unofficial" list is a great idea and this was one of the lists I've been meaning to start for a while. I actually made a spreadsheet a couple of months ago with the unofficial top 50. It matches yours pretty much, but I mentioned a few additions in the list thread.

4 Quarters :-* - 800K Avg. Per Qtr. :o - No Restarts 8) - No Proof :'(

7/26/2013   Coin 35,946   710,800   18-1
7/28/2013   Coin 35,947   903,700   22-1
8/16/2013   Coin 35,948   694,100   17-6
8/17/2013   Coin 35,949   893,100   22-1

3,201,700: the $1 World Record?
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Offline Shane_NC

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I guess this means there will never be another Todd Rogers or Don Hayes. Even if a great gamer comes along with the capabilities of taking down hundreds if not thousands of scores, it would cost way too much. In my opinion, this will not be good for competitive gaming.
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Offline d3scride

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Somewhat unrelated, but there is now a poll up on the TG page about what we want to see changed/added:

Not sure if it will make a difference in the end, but if you haven't already you should vote.

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Offline marinomitch13

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Congrats, George! I saw that you posted on FB about how your KO2 scores have finally been put up on TG. Glad you get to save your money!
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Offline homerwannabee

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Congrats, George! I saw that you posted on FB about how your KO2 scores have finally been put up on TG. Glad you get to save your money!

Yeah, thanks for that. 8)  Besides this great community of people the scores are the most important gaming related thing for me.  It's the one possession I have that moth, and dust can not corrupt. ;)
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