As one of the more recent people to start really trying to improve, I will say, for me, getting a kill screen is not the end all/be all. Would it be cool? Definitely. Yet, I just wanted to get better. Donkey Kong was one of the first video games I really liked. I never liked Pac-man or Space Invaders. So when DK came out, it mesmerized me. I never got good at it though because it took too many quarters... and I just sucked. Not too long ago a classic games "barcade" opened in my hometown and now I have plenty of quarters. So I started playing it again, scoring somewhere around 25k. I got good enough to get to the level 4 elevators but couldn't beat them. I found this forum looking for help with that. I'm still learning but this game is special to me. I've never watched King of Kong so that has no meaning to me whatsoever. For me, it is about me, and a game I've always loved.