Thought I would post my direct feed setup and settings now that I have the awesome Mr. Video card. Might help people get started up quicker. I've decided to send the audio from Mr. Video straight to my PC instead of using the GV-USB2, since the GV-USB2 audio seems to glitch out after awhile.
So you only need a couple parts and a couple cables. Apart from the actual DK cab, you need:
Mr. Video card
GV-USB2 capture card
S-video cable (for video)
RCA-to-3.5mm cable (for audio)
For video:
DK PCB -> Mr. Video -> GV-USB2 -> PC
I use S-video to go from Mr. Video to GV-USB2.
For audio:
DK PCB -> Mr. Video -> PC
I use an RCA-to-3.5mm cable to go directly from Mr. Video to the mic jack on my PC.
Below are the settings I use in OBS. This should give you 60 FPS (well, 59.94, whatevs). Click "Configure Video" to get to the specific GV-USB2 settings. I haven't adjusted any of the Video Proc Amp settings or even adjusted the pots on the Mr. Video itself, so you guys might get better/different results if you want to play with that stuff. For audio, you want to make sure you mix down to Mono. I've highlighted which audio device is being used for Mr. Video below. I use Monitor and Output so I can hear the actual audio from Mr. Video in my headphones while I'm playing.