Well, it has been almost 2 years since I started this list, so it is probably time for an update. According to the poll and the amount of scores submitted, it appears the remix defaults are the preferred settings for high scores. And it also seems the upcoming tournament will be run using these settings. Since an influx of new scores is to be expected, it is time to start an official list for donkey kong remix.
I mentioned that I would be willing to run the subsequent official list, and this is still the case. However, it is probably best that the new list is not located in this sub-forum, and rather the one for "Other High Score Lists". If anyone has any comments on this or anything else (ie list location, score moderators), I am all ears.
If there are no comments on topic location or moderation by the end of the DK REMIX Christmas competition, I will put together a topic in the Other High Score Lists section following the competition, and transfer over the new competition high scores as well as the the other 1.01 default scores. In terms of the historical 1.00 scores and the hard/3man scores, they will remain on this list on their own for insight on the beginning progression of the game.
Leave any comments or suggestions, thanks!