One thing I wish had happened was that Mitchell or even Wiebe had taken the game more seriously. Instead neither one cared about the game, or to be honest even liked the game. There was an interview where they both basically said they didn't really like the game. You see what happened with Donkey Kong Junior. There are players who don't even like the game who have taken the game who tried to become elite players in the game. I feel a lot of that is because Mitchell, and Wiebe had given their seal of approval for the game by being world record holders on the game.
Had Wiebe or Mitchell gotten the world record in Donkey Kong 3 things would be different. Not saying that you would have a ton of people having a higher score than Dwayne Richard on Marathon settings, but I do believe that Dwayne would be 5th or 6th by now if it Billy or Steve were record holders at one point in time.