With the influx of new players playing Donkey Kong Remix and Donkey Kong Christmas Remix, I thought it would be good to start a thread for gameplay strategies, tips and tricks.
I'll start with some of the screens where new players might have trouble. DK Remix has tons of new logic and I don't want to spoil learning a new game, so if you like to experience the game fresh and learn the tricks on your own - stop reading!
Falling Floors Rivets stage:
Many first timers have trouble with the 2nd rivets screen with floors that collapse when the rivets from both sides are pulled.
Jumpman has to collapse floors so he can then walk over the pile to reach a ledge on the right side of the screen. It's not required that the rivets be pulled in any particular order but dangers can be reduced if care is taken not to leave Jumpman vulnerable with no escape route.
Sometimes players knock out the two bottom floors and leave Jumpman vulnerable to climbing fireballs on the ledge at the right. If the player pulls out the two bottom right rivets first, this can't happen. Another strategy is to leave the bottom left rivet intact and pull it 2nd last. Another strategy is to make sure the falling floor crushes any firefoxes that might block Jumpman's path. It just takes some planning not to leave Jumpman vulnerable - change the order you pull the rivets if you keep getting stuck in the same way.
Alternate Pies stage:
Unlike regular DK, the fireballs can go both up
and down from the top conveyor. They actually actively seek out the opposite side of the screen that Jumpman is on - even the freezers! If there are fireballs above Jumpman and he needs to go up, give them some time. Do not move from side to side of the screen as that keeps them milling around above.
Reverse Elevators stage:
In DK Remix, touching the elevators is
not deadly like it is in DK. They're like moving platforms in Super Mario. Jumpman can jump
UP into them from below. That means the timing for jumping onto them is much more forgiving and it's possible to jump onto them much sooner. It is possible to reach the top shelf on this stage (but not the bottom shelf!). This also makes reaching the top shelf in the regular elevators stage much easier.