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General Donkey Kong Discussion / Re: He's suing again
« Last post by jammvyy on November 04, 2024, 01:27:00 am »
i think billy plan is to get a lot of attention he thinks he Madana :)
I was in elementary school.  I don't quite know why I had to walk to school, but I did.  Maybe we lived just close enough not to qualify for the bus or maybe it was some other reason but it was a bit of a trek.
Between home and school there were not one, but two bowling alleys.  Both had arcade games.  There was also a mall with another arcade inside.
My mom never made me lunch and my school was pretty small and didn't offer any lunch service at all, so... I had to go fend for myself.
Sometimes when I had money I would go a local dive to eat.  Sometimes I'd go to the bowling alley and order some fries with sauce (which was basically like a poor man's Poutine - it was much more affordable for a little kid with only pocket change.)

Way back in the very early days of arcades, the first bowling alley had Space Invaders.  Which I found fascinating.  I never really played it much but the strange pixel creatures were interesting and I started drawing pixel creatures on graph paper in school.

It was the second bowling alley that had really went all out - they had about 10 games but they kept adding new games regularly.  And in retrospect, they had some really cool, rare or unlikely games.

One of the games they got was Donkey Kong.  And in actuality, I think it was the one and only real Donkey Kong I can remember seeing in all of Quebec during the 80s.   Everywhere else that I ever went those days had a Crazy Kong instead.

I was a little kid but I watched older teens and adults playing games in the arcades and a number of them could play for ages on a quarter.  I kinda picked up on their tricks and strategies and eventually got pretty good at a number of games myself.
At this exact time I was still a little kid.  But Donkey Kong was one of the games I kept going back to and eventually got pretty good at it.

When a became a teenager, sometimes I would never make it to school at all.  Sometimes I would go to the arcade for lunch and never make it back to school.  Often I would go to the arcade instead of home after school.  Man, those were different times.

But even now... when I walk up to a Donkey Kong cabinet in the wild... I will subconsciously remember the smell of bowling alley in my head.
General Donkey Kong Discussion / Re: He's suing again
« Last post by Hawkins on November 03, 2024, 05:24:26 pm »
Babylon Beee - Sunday Scoop!

Classic Gamer Who "Invented" Live Videogame Streaming Sues Twitch For "Infringement"

The website that first popularized live game streaming is going head-to-head against the alleged first popular live streamer, despite him joining the website years after its inception.

Billy Mitchell has filed suit in a foreign court against the premier game streaming platform alleging unfair "profiteering" after he "put live videogame streaming on the map".

When asked about what seems a classic case of 'putting the cart before the horse' Mitchell's lawyer admitted, "Yes, nothing gamers did on Twitch before Mr. Mitchell matters. Mr. Mitchell feels very strongly about this."

Soon after beginning his live streaming career Mitchell explained his fresh approach on the Scott Liberto Podcast: "I didn't realise that when people played and they got a significant score then they took it and they uploaded it to Twitch. I always thought it was live. I don't think I'll ever upload a performance to Twitch".

One experienced live streamer commented on the boast saying, "When I claim to have invented spagbol because I'm proud of my cooking, obviously I'm joking. But Mitchell is as serious as a heart attack."

A Twitch employee familiar with the situation says login records show Mitchell's account was the 74,165,587th to be created on the site. The Beee was also shown site analytics which show Mitchell to be approximately the 1.6 millionth ranked streamer.

Mitchell, when asked about this evidence, claimed he was "not familiar with the situation" and directed the Beee and other media reporting on the case to his law firm, which initiated the proceedings. "Then I can serve papers to all parties directly. It'll save us a lot of time and expense", he said.

[Original BM quote here: ]
My Uncle Mike was a bartender in Michigan City, Indiana back in 1982.  I was in First Grade. 

One Sunday during a family get together, he told my father about a cool new arcade game that was making a lot of money at the tavern where he worked.  Since the nearby tavern was closed on Sundays, we drove over after dinner.  My dad and uncle made cocktails and kindly poured me a Coca-Cola.  Grabbing a handful of quarters from the tip jar, we pulled up a barstool and played Donkey Kong in that darkened tavern. 

I was completely fascinated by the game's colorful graphics - like something out of a Hanna Barbera cartoon - and Kong's loud stomping sounds that reverberated throughout the entire machine. 

All these years later, that moment remains such a sweet memory.   I raise a toast to my Uncle Mike every time I play.
Steve's List Forum / Re: List of arcade games 1cc'd
« Last post by Barra on November 03, 2024, 01:27:33 am »
A couple new 1CC's from Calice Cup 9:

Gemini Wing
R-type Leo

Donkey Kong Junior High Score List / Re: DKJR Score Submissions
« Last post by homerwannabee on November 01, 2024, 05:15:05 am »
Big leap up.   8)
Donkey Kong Junior High Score List / Re: DKJR Score Submissions
« Last post by Dk_madness on October 30, 2024, 06:39:07 pm »
Submitting for a new Donkey Kong Jr. PB

Final score of 1,212,600pts

Had a pretty good melt down near the end. 1.3 soon I reckon.

Twitch Link -

Thank you
Donkey Kong High Score Lists / Re: DK Score Submissions
« Last post by Dk_madness on October 29, 2024, 07:34:40 am »
Kongrats Kenney
Donkey Kong High Score Lists / Re: DK Score Submissions
« Last post by chungy on October 28, 2024, 06:39:19 am »
DK MAME High Score PB
WolfMAME 0.226
Oct 27, 2024

Huge! Kongrats man!
Donkey Kong High Score Lists / Re: DK Score Submissions
« Last post by kenneyaf on October 27, 2024, 06:56:56 pm »
DK MAME High Score PB
WolfMAME 0.226
Oct 27, 2024
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