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Donkey Kong High Score Lists / Re: DK Score Submissions
« Last post by xelnia on November 27, 2024, 11:24:11 pm »
1-1 13200
wolf .250

Verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL! Congrats!
Donkey Kong High Score Lists / Re: DK Score Submissions
« Last post by xelnia on November 27, 2024, 11:24:01 pm »
New Level 1-1 PB 13.400

Thomas Bauer
WolfMAME 106

Verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL! Congrats!
Other High Score Lists / Re: Donkey Kong 3 Submissions
« Last post by xelnia on November 27, 2024, 11:22:09 pm »
Submitting for DK3 - Difficulty 3 (5-man)


Twitch link:

Been playing a bit to derust for the tourney. Had a few low 700K games now and seems to be my wall. Gonna keep grinding this for a bit until I can get that 1mil


Submitting for a new PB

Donkey Kong 3 - 784,900pts.

Difficulty 3 - 5-man

Twitch link:

Thank you!

Verified and updated on the DK3 HSL! Congrats!
Other High Score Lists / Re: Donkey Kong 3 Submissions
« Last post by xelnia on November 27, 2024, 11:21:35 pm »
Difficulty 3 - 5-man
WolfMAME 0.184


Was hoping for 600K to finish the day but they got me as I finished the last board so just fell short. BibleThump BibleThump

Difficulty 3 - 5-man
WolfMAME 0.183

Difficulty 3 - 5-man
WolfMAME 0.183

Verified and updated on the DK3 HSL! Congrats!
Donkey Kong Junior High Score List / Re: DKJR Score Submissions
« Last post by xelnia on November 27, 2024, 11:20:03 pm »
Submitting for new Donkey Kong Jr. PB

Final score - 1,373,300pts

Twitch link:

Thanks for watching

Wow! Rank A soon! Verified and updated on the DKJR HSL! Congrats!
I first played NES when Mario came out ,then SNES wow what a game, Before this i had a orange dk handheld watch game of dk played it a lot then i lost it down the track somewhere. My son introduced me to a movie kok where 2 men Fourt it out of being the best donkey Kong player in the world. Ever since that movie i was in love with the game and started to build a dk cab of my own. Red as its know today. then i decided to go to America and play in a Kong off in 2012 and again in 2013 where I met people from all over the world especially the dk community and all of my USA mates. And i have never looked back now i own 2 dks and 4 other cabs and 2 on the way. Today my high score is 992900 and i have 12 kill screens. OH and i was the first Ever Australian to ever ks a original dk cab in Australia. <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> <Roy> <Roy> <Kuh> <Wiebe> <Walter> <Sanders> <Mruczek> thats it for me BYE For now..
Donkey Kong 3 / Re: The Gobblet 2024 with cash prizes!
« Last post by johnbart on November 27, 2024, 04:07:01 pm »
Round two has begun.
I've told this story in relation to Junior, so apologies if you've heard it before.

We were latchkey kids in the 80s. So, during the summer, when mom left for work, we were to stay indoors until dad got home. Mom left for work at about 9am.

We had two places within about a 10-minute bike ride from the house. There was 7-11 on one corner and a similar family-owned store called Pete's Liquor across the street. They would often send me to fetch milk, bread, candy bars... whatever we wanted/needed at the time. So when these stores started rotating video games through, I started playing them.

At the time, I had a paper route. At that age, I had more money than I knew what to do with (what a problem to have). So during the summer, I would get up around 7 and haul ass down the road to get my daily gaming in. 7-11 brought Donkey Kong in seemingly not long after it became a hit in the arcades. I believe that the first time I played it was at our Skate World skating rink, but I really put time into it when 7-11 had it. Unfortunately, 7-11 rotated their games once or twice a year, so it was relatively short lived. Not long after Donkey Kong left 7-11 though, Pete's got Donkey Kong Junior, and a lifelong sickness was discovered.

(suggestion: never curse thy self (or any other self))
I've told this story in relation to Junior, so apologies if you've heard it before.

We were latchkey kids in the 80s. So, during the summer, when mom left for work, we were to stay indoors until dad got home. Mom left for work at about 9am.

We had two places within about a 10-minute bike ride from the house. There was 7-11 on one corner and a similar family-owned store called Pete's Liquor across the street. They would often send me to fetch milk, bread, candy bars... whatever we wanted/needed at the time. So when these stores started rotating video games through, I started playing them.

At the time, I had a paper route. At that age, I had more money than I knew what to do with (what a problem to have). So during the summer, I would get up around 7 and haul ass down the road to get my daily gaming in. 7-11 brought Donkey Kong in seemingly not long after it became a hit in the arcades. I believe that the first time I played it was at our Skate World skating rink, but I really put time into it when 7-11 had it. Unfortunately, 7-11 rotated their games once or twice a year, so it was relatively short lived. Not long after Donkey Kong left 7-11 though, Pete's got Donkey Kong Junior, and a lifelong sickness was discovered.

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